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It was dark.

Plain black in Youngjae's mind.

He didn't where he was or even remembered the last time he had felt the night's cold wind grabbing him. All he felt was warmth, a very subtle warmth from something. But Youngjae couldn't think of an object to describe it, it was only warm.

Then, someone held his hand, very gently, and intertwined his with theirs. Which made Youngjae's wanting to open his eyes even stronger, but he was afraid, afraid of what he might see. Afraid of the light.

Like a dumb fool he was, Youngjae accidentally moved his stiff fingers that burned as he was still under the drug they injected him with. The hand pulled away, leaving Youngjae's hand to flop down onto a very soft, silky material.

This must be a very expensive blanket, Youngjae thought. His fingertips almost felt like someone had polished it and whatever he touch felt like cool marble. It was the kind of effect that the silk blanket had on him. It was comfortable, but too comfortable for this situation.

The boy couldn't hear, but he knows how many people are walking to him right now, as the ground beneath him shook by the thumping footsteps. He unwillingly opened his eyes, attempting to act like he didn't know what had happened. Then, he stopped when there was no one in front of him.

Confused, he tried to stand up without every muscles in his body screaming in pain for him to stop. It's just the drugs, he said in his mind. There was no way he could be that weak, weak as in he felt like a newborn baby, struggling to crawl and stand.

I'm not this pathetic.

Irritated by how vulnerable he felt, he gripped onto a nearby cabin, not knowing that there was clearly 6 people standing behind him, staring at him. With one small step, he collapsed to the floor and Youngjae slammed his hand against the floor, so hard that his hand bled. He was frustrated, frustrated with the shit he has gotten himself into, first his ears, and now he's kidnapped by God who knows.

And for the first time, he cried, grabbing his ears and hoping for the last time it will work again. So that he can finally have one of his senses back and he can finally escape this hole he's been stuck for. But it was no use.

Again, he felt the floor under him rumbling gently. There, he knew that someone was coming.

He laid there still, hoping the person would think he was unconscious. Then, he felt the same pair of hands who grabbed him last night hauling him by his arms. He tried to resisting, but Youngjae just let the person do whatever to him.

After all, he was just a useless deaf boy with just some friends who looks at him equally.


Maybe Jimin's better without him.

What a burden.


You can't even hear what most people say around you. I bet they feel sorry for you like how your existence.

Your mother would be happier if she had raised a child that wasn't deaf.

S-stop. Please.

Youngjae suddenly widened his eyes and the light pierced through him. He was back. Back where he started. This time though, his arms were up, tied with a thick rope. The rope would cause red rashes every time Youngjae tried to pull away or attempting to free himself.

He wanted to use his voice, but he remembered how people looked at him in disgust and scowled. He parted his lips and whimpered loudly, hoping someone can help him from this uncomfortable position.

Then, out of nowhere, a male with blond hair opened the door in front of where Youngjae was lying and smirked. Making Youngjae wished that he had shut his mouth earlier and let sleep take his sight.

"So, you're finally awake? Did that breakdown of yours made you a little tired?" The male said, looking at the boy.

Youngjae tilted his head. He can't read lips that well especially when the male's lips doesn't move that much for him to form the words in his mind. Confused, he shook his head.

The blond male looks taken back for a moment, but then he started to laugh. Youngjae wondered what was so funny, was that the wrong answer to what the blond male had said?

The boy watched as the blond male advanced towards him in an alarming pace. Youngjae immediately pushed back, afraid of what the male might do to him. His eyes were staring at the floor since the blond male was inches near his face. The male just smirked and whispered something in his ear as the boy felt an upper lip touching his ear.

Youngjae was confused again. Does the male not understand that he was deaf?

The boy had a plan.

He harshly pulled his wrist down, deepening the red rashes which started to bleed, and the blond male gasped.

"No, stop. You shouldn't do that."

Youngjae know that the male was trying to make him stop, but he needs to make him understand that he can't hear. So, he continued to pull his wrist down, harder than before, earning a loud whimper from Youngjae.

"Stop that! At this instant! My boss would not be pleased!"

The boy shook his head and pulled and pulled until the blond male bewilderedly untied the ropes. Youngjae's blood wrist fell to the silk blanket, staining the rich material. The boy looked up and stared at the blond male, who's face is beaten red and smokes were almost comically blowing out of his ears.

"That's enough of you! You're suppose to be quiet and do what we told you! Don't you understand, slave!"

Annoyed, Youngjae lifted his hands up and signed to the blond male, hoping he understood that he's fucking deaf and can't hear without his hearing aids.

'I'm deaf, Sir.'

The male looked even more taken back that the boy still had the energy to move his hands enough his wrists looks like they wouldn't be able to move at all. With a shocking expression, he hollered for somebody outside of the room.

"What the fuck is going on, Jackson?!"

Another male hollered as he stumbled in the room, eyeing the bleeding boy on the bed.

"Mark! This fucking kid is deaf! Why did no one tell me that? Look at his wrist!"

Mark sucked in a deep breath as he stared at Youngjae's wrists.

"What is Jaebum going to do now?! What if he kills me?" Jackson shouted, clearly panicking.

What are they talking about, Youngjae thought.

His eyes felt tired.

His wrists were burning in never-ending pain.

His body was still taking in the drug they injected him with.

Everything just felt tiring.

Even breathing felt like it was hard work.

He couldn't take it anymore.

He just needs to sleep again,

and hope to never wake up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2019 ⏰

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