Niall's POV

"Go! We'll set up the party, you go get a breath taking gift!" Zayn ushers me out of the flat.

"Fine! What about you guys? Aren't you getting her presents?" I ask.

"We got them yesterday! Now hurry! You have 5 hours until the party starts!"

I get into my car and begin to drive. What should I get her? She was turning 18. That's a pretty big deal...

I think about everything I had learned about her.

She always doodled little hearts. Her favorite color was lime green. Her favorite move was "The Lucky One". She was energetic and funny. She was extremely smart. She loves One Direction(duh!). She loved four leafed clovers. AND SHE LOVED NECKLACES!

I started to drive to the best jewlery store in town.

With the help of some girl who was obviously flirting with me, I found the perfect necklace. It was a silver heart locket with a little green four leafed clover in the middle of it.

"Can this be engraved?" I ask the girl.

"Yes, what would you like on it?" she asks with a flirty smile.

"Um, can it say 'You should be kissed everyday, every hour, every minute' with a little heart?" I knew this was her favorite quote from "The Lucky One". She had written it on the back of her hand in Sharpie, retracing it when it faded.

"Sure," she says, her flirty smile fading. "Is it for your girlfriend?"

"Y-" I stopped myself. Skylar wasn't my girlfriend. Yet.

"No," I mumble.

"Oh, OK!" she says before walking back into a room to engrave the necklace.

I chuckled at her failed attempts to wave her butt in a sexy way.

I heard my phone ding, telling me that I had a new message.

I open it up to see that it was from Liam.

Liam: Did you find something?

Me: Not just 'something', but the perfect thing!

Liam: Perfect! Send me a picture?

Me: Nope!

I slid my phone back into my pocket and smiled to myself.

The girl came back out and showed me the engravement.

"Perfect," I say with a smile.

She puts it into a bag and I pay.

I walk into the flat to find that it has been transformed into a neon house.

"What the-" I say, looking around.

"Skylar loves neon!" Liam yells from the couch.

"I can tell!" I say.

"Let me see her present!" He whines.

"No! I want it to be a surprise for EVERYONE!" I yell before going upstairs.

I carefully take the necklace out of the store bag and open up the box it was placed in.

I head over to my lap top. First I print out a picture Liam, Louis, Harry, Zayn, and me with Skylar outside at a park somewhere. Then I use Skylar's Facebook page to find a picture of her, Liam, and their parents together. I cut out the two pictures and place them on either side of the locket.


I carefully wrap the present and slip it into my pocket.

I head downstairs and listen to Liam explain the party.

Lost and Found [a Niall Horan fan fic]Where stories live. Discover now