"Thank you, Mr. Cowell!" I said, smiling wide.

"Please, call me Simon." He said, biting into the cupcake, a smile actually appearing on his face. This was so weird to see him like this. I guess it's because I was so used to seeing him frown on national television. He really seemed like a nice guy. We talked a bit before he had to answer a phone call.

"This one's my favorite." Zayn said, coming over and pointing to the one with the varsity jacket.

"You know what would be great with these cupcakes..." Louis said, having a glob of frosting on his nose. "ALCOHOL!"

"Is he serious?" I asked Liam over the music. Harry and Niall were no where to be found. I wondered where they were.

"Louis doesn't joke about his alcohol, love. I'm staying sober. You?"

"Eh, maybe a few drinks. Don't worry, you won't have to carry me home tonight." I joked with him. He laughed softly.

"I'm sure Niall would be the first to volunteer."

"Speaking of Niall, where is he? I wanna ask him something." I watched as Dani and Hazel started walking over to the dance floor. They both seemed to be having a great time, making up funny dance moves to 'Sexy and I Know It.'

"Umm, yeah, if it's about Bel-"

"Hey babe!" I felt familiar arms around my waist. I was a bit startled at first, but I remembered we were just faking it.

"Harry!" I hugged him back, smiling. His curls tickled me a bit as he hugged me back.

"I brought the driiinks," Louis said, words already slurring. I bursted out laughing at him as he handed Harry and I a beer. Liam didn't join in, but found us very entertaining. I was such a lightweight. By maybe about a couple beers, I was giggling at everything. Harry started tripping over his own feet and Louis had dropped a glass on the floor.

"H-Hey boys!" I said giggling. "I found someone to carry me home tonight!" I half sang and half slurred, falling into Liam's arms.

"Come on, you two." Liam said, taking my hand and Louis and walking us over to the couches.

"I swear to drunk, Liam, I'm not God!" Louis protested.

"Wait! W-Where's Harry?" I asked, looking around frantically. "Harry?"

"I'm right next to you, love." he said, stumbling a bit.

"We n-need to go....to T-Taco Bell."

"Why?" Liam asked.

"WE JUST HAVE TO LIAM!" I groaned a bit, my head pounding. Everything around me was a blur really. I laid my head down on Harry's lap, trying to ignore the feeling that everything was spinning around me. "Okay, just shut up for a minute, this is important." I tried sitting up a bit, and just leaned on Harry for support. "We need to go to Taco Bell. Liam, you can't drive. Just no. You're t-tooo drunk. Louis? Louis?! You have to drive us to Taco Bell!"

"Let's just order a pizza!" Harry groaned.

"A-All right, where's my phone?" I asked. I didn't even notice that it was right in my hand. "Seriously guys! Where's my phone?! I'm not even that drunk so shut up!" Liam took it out of my hand and waved it in my face. I blinked a couple times, trying to figure out what was in front of me. "Oh! Thanks mister!" I gave him a big kiss on the cheek and managed to call Pizza Hut. My words slurred as someone answered. "Hi, y-yeah, I want one of those. My address? I...I'm sorry...I forgot." I pulled the phone away from my ear and looked to my friends. "You guys?! Where do I live?!"

I heard Louis and Harry laughing like crazy as 'What Makes You Beautiful' came on. I think Liam was videotaping this. "Oh my goshhhh... do you hear what's playing right now?"

Lucky Me // Niall HoranNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ