A Chance to Dance

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"Katsuki, your friend's here to pick you up!"
Bakugou looked up from his textbook, confused.
Picking him up for what?
"Katsuki, get your ass downstairs right now!"
"What the fuck, mom? I don't know what you're talking about." Bakugou rolled out of bed, groaning.
He made his way down the stairs, rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes.
"Ah fuck." He growled at the sight of Deku. Why the hell was he here? What was he picking Bakugou up f-oh.
It was Friday.
"You are not wearing that to a dance." Mitsuki scolded.
"I'm not going to a dance." Bakugou growled, glaring at Deku.
"But you promised!"
What a sneaky little bitch.
"Go to the dance with your friend, Katsuki."
"Ugh." Bakugou decided he might as well get this over with. He stormed out of the door before his mom could make him change out of his sweatpants.
"Thank you for doing this!" Deku said, following on Bakugou's heels.
"I'm not going to the dance. I'm going to fuck around town for a few hours then sneak home."
"Oh...are you sure? Because there's food."
"There's food at the convenience store too."
"Please come! I promised Tsuyu that you would be there!"
"What? Does she like me or something?"
"No. She just didn't have a date and you're the only guy I know that didn't have one."
"What about that stupid shark tooth kid and his friends?"
"Kirishima is going with Sero and Kaminari was planning on asking somebody else."
"Which one is which?"
"Ugh." Deku sighed. "Kirishima is the redhead, Sero has black hair, and Kaminari is blond."
"Wait...shark week is dating Soy Sauce Face?"
"I don't think they're actually dating."
"But...like...he's gay right? Shark teeth, I mean?"
"I don't know. Why are you so interested?"
Bakugou stopped walking. Why was he interested?
"Let's just go to this stupid dance."
Deku smiled. "Thanks Kacchan!"
"Don't call me that."
The two walked to the school in silence.
When they got to the door, they had to stand in line.
"Bakugou? You came?"
Ah fuck.
"What do you want, floppy hair?"
Kirishima smiled like the idiot he was. "I want to say I'm sorry about the whole frisbee thing. We'll be more careful throwing it next time."
"Yo, Bakugou, what's with the sweatpants?" Pikachu asked from behind him.
"It was a last minute decision."
Bakugou would be lying if he said he didn't feel underdressed. Pikachu had a dress shirt under his regular leather jacket and Soy Sauce Face was wearing one with the sleeves rolled up over his weird elbows.
Kirishima was the most dressed of the group. He wore a vest and tie and everything. The outfit was so well tailored, tracing every sharp edge of his body.
"Oh! Do you want to borrow something? I still have my school clothes cuz I changed at Sero's place. We can put something together!"
"You might as well say yes. He won't stop until he's been nice to everybody on the face of the earth." Pikachu explained.
Bakugou considered the options he had. He could go into that dance wearing sweatpants and risk it becoming a meme around school, or he could wear the clothes of a guy who drove him nuts.
"Fine. But I'm not washing them."
"No problem!" Shark week smiled like the sun.
What a moron...

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