Ring of Fire

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I'm sorry that I'm on my third cover but, like this one is way better and it was one of the drawings I was using for a Trans Kirishima AU.

It wasn't very hard to find the room where the kid was trapped

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It wasn't very hard to find the room where the kid was trapped. Kirishima could hear him shouting the moment he landed at the top of the stairs, wobbling slightly as he regained his balance.

"Think you could help me up?" The other hero asked from below. Kirishima looked down, trying to judge the distance.

"Maybe...I think..."

"If you aren't sure than just get the kid and throw it down to me. There's no point in wasting time."

"You're right." Kirishima nodded. "Be right back."

The cries were coming from the third room down the hall and a few heavy strides did well to carry him there.
He threw himself against the door, but it didn't budge.
"Fuck." Maybe he needed the other guy for this...
"Allow me." Another blonde was rushing down the other set of stairs, carrying a small girl under his arm. Kirishima recognized him from previous rescues. He could shoot lasers from his abdomen.
"Thanks." Kirishima said as the blond shot the door off its hinges.
"Need anything else?"
"Uh...I should be fine. There's somebody at the bottom of the stairs to get you down."
"Are the stairs broken?"
The blond nodded and took off, leaving Kirishima to save the other kid.
The apartment was a mess. Fallen beams were everywhere and fire engulfed all the furniture.
"Hello?" He called out.
"Help!" A tiny voice called back. Kirishima ran toward it, finding a kitchen in shambles. A small boy was huddled under the table, legs pulled up to his chest. His hair was dark and eyes full of tears.
"Hey, I'm here. It's alright." Kiri held out his hand for the child. He took it with a hesitance one could expect from a child interacting with a stranger.

Kirishima lifted the kid onto his back and started to run as fast as he could toward the stairs. He didn't want to keep the child high for too long in case the smoke got to him. Speaking of smoke, the redhead could feel the substance drying out his throat. He was going to down an entire gallon of water when he got home, that much was clear. 

"Got 'em!" Kirishima shouted as he reached the top of the steps. The other hero was below, but Lazer Gut -or whatever the heck his name was- had already left. 

"Throw him down." 

"He's not a football, dude." Kirishima helped the kid onto his back, holding onto his arms. "Okay, kid. I'm going to lower you down and my friend is going to catch you." 

"We're not friends." The other male called up. 

"Yes we are." He shouted back. 

He held the child under the armpits and swung him gently over the edge of the remaining steps. The hero below grabbed ahold of the kid's waist before setting him on the floor. 

"Do you need help getting down?" 

"Nah. I can harden my legs to cushion my fall." Kirishima assured him. 

He was about to do just that when he heard a loud creak. 

"Oh fuck." The explosive hero muttered, grabbing the child and rushing out of the way as the stairs collapsed beneath Kirishima's feet. 

The redhead shouted out in surprise. 

This was not going to end well. 

HAha cliffhanger. Or rather....stairhanger....

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