Chapter Twenty-two

Start from the beginning


It always startles me when he uses my full name, I'm not use to hearing it from his lips.

"How come you never talk about your life on earth."

My heart stills for a second. He's right I don't talk about my life on earth, it seems so insignificant compared here. Maybe that sounds cruel or crazy but earth offered me nothing.

"I... It wasn't a good life. It's better here, with you."

He touches my cheek, "I would still like to know little one. I want to know every bit that makes you who you are because I'm awed by anything that has to do with you."

How could I not tell him now? "What do you want to know."

I bring my knees up so I can rest my chin on them. I want to be in his arms and have him comfort me but he's rowing and it would be just my luck to capsize us because I want cuddles.

"Tell me about where you grew up, what do you miss, who do you miss."

I swallow my nerves, if he could share his past with me I could too.

"W-Well I mostly grew up in group homes, which is where groups of kids with no parents live under the care of someone. T-The other kids weren't very nice I was the youngest and always to quick to cry. I didn't like the games they would play. T-They were mean, they'd hurt me or scare me and Ms. Grace, she ran the group home, never believed me."

I sneak a peak at Zev and his eyes are already turning black, "What did they do that you didn't like."

I curl further into myself. I had long ago pushed the dark memories of growing up away. I know what the others would do to me was wrong.

"Tell me Thea, please."

He says please but there's a demand in his voice.

"I-It was mainly this one boy he lead the others and they followed. I think they were just happy his...attentions were directed at someone else. He came to the home when I was nine. Before he came I was a loner but I was happy at least in my own way after... it was bad. I don't why he didn't like me but he made sure I knew. He w-would play this game he called it hide and no seek," I scoff.

"He would, would lock me in these tiny dark spaces so small I couldn't turn around or move and he would leave me there for hours only letting me out after I passed out from fear or lack of air. And none of the adults would believe me he was handsome and charismatic even for a 14 year old. When I got older it got worse when I turned 13 his games went from cruel to perverted. If I was locked up he made sure he was with me he-he would touch me.. places I didn't want him to. He never went underneath my clothes but I remember just begging and praying for it to stop everytime and he would just laugh at me, at my tears. It only went on for a year. He aged out of the system and had to leave it was the happiest day of my life until I met you. I spent the rest of my time in that home until I too aged out and came here."

Zev is breathing heavy and his eyes have been black from the start of my story.

"I'll go there and kill him myself! How dare he touch you, ever!" I can barley make out his words because his wolf is so present.

"It was a long time ago Zev and now we're together I don't want him to effect our present."

"Then tell me something else about you, I don't want to think of you needing me when I wasn't there it hurts my wolf and I."

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