"No, Bellamy, wait!" Octavia tried to stop him.

"Okay. But just you, Bellamy, unarmed!" Murphy said through the radio.

"I’ll be fine, O, get everyone back to work" Bellamy calmed Octavia down, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"We’ll get you out of this" she assured him.

Dropship's doors opened and Murphy's voice boomed through the camp.

"Ten seconds and I’ll put one in Jasper’s leg!" he exclaimed.

"Okay, I’m here!" Bellamy called out and walked inside as Jasper was shoved outside. The doors were quickly closed.

Ashley and Octavia ran to Jasper, untied his hands and took the gag out of his mouth. When he was free, Ashley threw herself on him and hugged tightly. He was still in shock, but when he realised what’s happening, he smiled and hugged his friend back.

"Damnit, Goggles. I was worried that I won’t ever see your hideous face again" Ashley joked, breathing out with a relief.

"Well, you can't always be the one in trouble" Jasper smiled.

"Right" blonde laughed.

"Jasper, come on, you have to help me!" Raven appeared by their side and motioned for Jasper to follow her. He was confused, but nodded and went after her.

Ashley was left with Octavia, who was freaking out and the crowd, which started gathering in front of the dropship. She walked over to her friend and squeezed her shoulder, trying to comfort her.

"He’ll be alright. We have a plan and we’ll get him out of this, okay?" Ashley said. Octavia nodded and exhaled deeply, trying to calm down.

Suddenly, they heard a shot.

"Bellamy, are you okay?" Octavia asked through the radio. "Bellamy?"

"I’m okay, it’s just misfire. Tell everyone to get back to work. And Raven to hurry her ass up!" Bellamy responded.

Sometime later, Jasper appeared by their side.

"We got this! Raven is almost ready" he informed them. "Ashley, we're going in with the gunners, come on" he turned to Ashley.

"Okay, let's go" blonde said and looked hesitantly at Octavia. Brunette just nodded and Ashley followed Jasper to get their guns.

After grabbing them, they were about to come back, when they heard shots again. Jasper and Ashley exchanged terrified looks and ran back in the dropship’s direction.

"What the hell?!" Ashley exclaimed. "What’s happening?"

"I don’t know!" Octavia shook her head.

Suddenly, the doors started to open. All gunners were ready with weapons in their hands. Ashley was scared, what they could find there. But she remained steady on her position. They entered the dropship and gasped at the sight in front of them.

Bellamy was hanged on the seatbelt with Murphy nowhere to find.

Ashley quickly helped Jasper and the others to bring Bellamy to the ground.

Octavia took the belt off her brother’s neck and urged him to breathe. Luckily, after a moment he started breathing and coughing, he got up and started to yell.

"Murphy! It’s over!" he called out with a hoarse voice.

He quickly figured out, where Murphy could be and climbed up the ladder. It turned out, Murphy blocked the opening and Bellamy couldn’t get there.

The light in the darkness (Octavia Blake)Where stories live. Discover now