Chapter 15

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Hey guys!!! This is the FINAL PART for part one of Daisies! DONT WORRY, there will be a part two/second book on the way!! 

Thank you too every one that has read, voted, commented and given this book a chance! I hope you enjoy the next part and I will see you at Daisies PT2 UNTITLED. 


The sky was bright blue, white clouds floating lazily on the edges. Laughter seemed to float about, the sound of a creaking swing set adding chorus to the song. Something was off though... just, wrong. The summer heat pressed in like a stifling blanket, almost...choking. "Come'on Mikey," A familiar voice called, and Franks playmate jumped off the swings, waving a half effort good bye to Frank. Frank kicked his legs forward, propelling his swing higher as he watched the skinny form of a teenager take Mikey's hand, walking back towards their car together.

Frank closed his eyes, and this time, when he opened them, a white ceiling met his gaze. Smoke drifted about, and he could feel Mikey's hand running through his hair, Gerard's laughter echoed around the room. "Frank-ank-ank-kie-ieee-ieee" He called out, bubbling out with laughter as he drew each syllable out. He closed his eyes for a second, enjoying the moment. Suddenly, Mikey's hand was to tight in his hair. It was pulling, scratching at his head. "Frankie. Frankie. Frankie. FRANK."

His entire body propelled upwards, sitting bolt right up. He could feel cold sweat trickling down his hot forehead, his fingers gripping the blanket around him far to tight. His room was still pitch black, it must not be morning yet. It had sounded.... so real. He swore, he swore someone had just screamed his name. But here he was, sitting up in bed, sweating, heart pounding, and utterly alone. Just. Another. Nightmare.

He sat for a moment, his breathing harsh and ragged. He almost felt like he couldn't breath. His heart was pounding in his chest and for a moment, Frank almost felt silly. Is this what he was reduced to? Cruel and unusual nightmares keeping him sleep deprived and distressed?

He flopped back down, eyes still wide open in the pure black darkness, laying on his back and resting his hands on his chest. It had been nearly two weeks since he had walked out of the Way's house. He couldn't take it. He couldn't handle it. He felt like his world was falling apart. Frank didn't want to go through the drama of avoiding Mikey, so he just stopped going to school. Instead of fighting with him, his parents just put him on independent study.

He had thought about everything, a lot. He was certain of some things, still confused on others. He knew now that his faith did not have anything to do with his sexuality. It was hard for him, but he was trying to come to terms with it. He was trying to accept the fact that he likes who he likes, and he doesn't like who he doesn't like. His love for God did nothing to change that, and if God loved him, then God wouldn't want to change it either. That was something Gerard had helped him realize...

Franks mind flashed back to their late night coffee chit chats. He remembered all of it, the way Gerard listened to him, helped him muddle through his thoughts. He remembered the party. The first time Gerard had kissed him, the way his soft lips were hard with the force... 21 Guns rang through his head.

He had thought a lot about Mikey, as well. And he had come to a few conclusions. Mikey definitely had feelings for Frank. He couldn't make sense of his anger in any other way. But Frank didn't think he loved him... instead, Frank had come to the conclusion that Mikey was possessive of him. And something about that sat wrong in his gut.

Gerard though, he wasn't sure about Gerard. He had no idea if Gerard had feelings for him. Frank has no idea if Gerard loves him or not. Frank has no idea if he was just a fuck or not.

But... he supposed none of that mattered now. He was trying to leave it behind him. Forget. Let it go. Move on. All that meditative mumbo jumbo. But still, how could he? How could he forget his best friend of sixteen years? How could he let go how his supposedly best friend had treated him? How could he move on from the person who took his virginity, all for an easy lay?

He tried... but he still thought about them. He still missed mario kart with Mikey. Coffee with Gerard. He still missed Miss Way's hugs. Mikey's forest adventures. The way Gerard held him... And obviously, if the dream wasn't enough, he was still bothered. He had been pushed to his limit.

Frank's mind wandered, a fond memory coming back to mind.

He lay half draped over Gerard, skin to skin, one hand lazily playing with the boys black hair and his face nestled into his neck. "Your so pretty, just like a daisy." Gerard muttered, Frank hardly even paying attention. "You pretend to be so strong though, just like the stem. But under pressure, you snap." He continued, emphasis on the last word. "I'll break you." He had taunted. All Frank had responded to this was just to mutter a shush, calming Gerard's paranoid ramblings.

He was right, now, he had seen what would happen. Frank was done. He couldn't take the games. He couldn't take the hot and cold, the possessiveness, the uncommitted. He was done.

When Donna told Frank to leave, they had given up on him.

So Frank gave up on the Way's.  

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