Chapter 13

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smol trigger warning, harsh words & thoughts, slight nsfw.

I wanna be your vacuum cleaner, breathing in your dust. 

At least as deep as the pacific ocean, I wanna be yours


It seemed like years since everything with Gerard had begun, when in reality it had been days. Yet it all seemed to end in a few seconds, when minutes had drawn on like hours.

When Frank woke up in his own bed, he wasn't sure what the time was. He didn't know if his room was black because it was still night time, or if it was from his curtains. But none the less, no light was to be seen and he lay staring upwards into the darkness. He felt like he had hardly closed his eyes before he was awake again, and he was just as tired if not more tired than he had been when he had laid down.

He had awoken in his own bed for several days in a row now, and it seemed like the longest time ever. He honestly didn't remember the last time he had spent more than two nights at his house, instead of Mikeys. And yet... It had been over three now, and yet Mikey had not messaged him once. In fact, he hadn't even replied to the messages Frank had sent him.

It seemed like out of nowhere, the only people he cared about had poofed out of his life. Gerard had ended things. Frank was ignoring him. And of course, his mum or dad haven't even checked in on him. He hasn't left the few connected rooms that were refereed to as, 'his wing' of their home, other than to get food.

Frank felt almost numb, laying their pencil straight, his arms folded over his chest underneath the covers. He wasn't even really thinking about anything, just the day ahead of him. Today was the first day back to school, spring break was officially over. Frank was nervous, mainly because he knew for certain he would see Mikey. Ms.Way never let him stay home, and she especially wouldn't on the first day back.

Frank didn't even know what he would say to Mikey, if Mikey would say anything to him. Would Mikey explain why he had been ignoring Frank...? Would Frank explain his sudden departure the few days before...?

He tried to brush these worries off, rolling over to check the time on his phone. Bright white numbers flashed, five forty six in the morning. Frank decided this was late enough to justify getting out of bed, and pulled himself up to start the day.

* * * 

"I'm sorry Frank," his voice was just as husky as always. "You know I didn't mean it, sometimes I just.. say things. That I don't mean." His hazel green eyes met Franks for a moment, before dropping down to drag over his body, his cold hands running over Franks thighs, a shiver and goosebumps rising up on the skinnier boy.

Gerard's lips barely hovered over his neck, soft and trailing... downward. Soft kisses left a trail all the way down from his neck, collarbones, nipping at the edge of his jeans. He looked up at frank, wide hazely-green eyes begging. He couldn't help it... Frank needed Gerard. "Now, why aren't you paying attention?" Gerard asked, loudly.

"Why aren't you paying attention?"


The voice that interrupted his day dreams was a lot more unpleasant than Gerard's sultry one. Franks arms were crossed on his desk, resting his forehead on them he had drifted off. His English teachers shrill voice prodded him awake, and he sat up, blinking sleep from his eyes.

After a heavy sigh, she turned back towards her lesson. 

Frank gifted a sigh back, sitting up and crossing his arms. He still wasn't paying attention, he had far more on his mind. It was second period now, and Mikey still hadn't said a word to him. He wondered if he was going to say something to him at all that day.

* * *

Finally, the bell rang for the end of sixth period and Frank was out like a dart.

There was no way in hell he was going to stay for seventh. He found himself slipping out of the main hall, making his way across campus towards the gym. On the back end of the gym, there was a little nook in the wall, where an old doorway that had been boarded up was. That's where Frank and Mikey always went to skip class, and it was where Frank was headed now. He needed a break. It was literally one day since spring break had ended, and he was already overwhelmed and done.

The past two weeks had felt unbelievable, it hardly felt like it had only been a few weeks. And suddenly, it was like Frank was snapped back into reality with school. Frank rounded the corner, throwing his bag down into the nook.

Frank jumped when a surprised noise met him, and he quickly realized he had nearly just taken out Mikey with his backpack. It made sense Mikey would have been skipping class here too. "Hey I-" Frank started, stuttering. He didn't even know what to say. Before he could even get any words out Mikey was scrambling to his feet to leave.

Anger lit up in Frank, red hot. Why? Why wouldn't he even say a single word to him. Frank sidestepped, blocking the skinnier boy's retreat path and pretty much bumping chest with Mikey. Frank grabbed him by the shoulders, pulling Mikey to arms length from him and practically forcing his friend to actually look at him. "What is your problem Mikey?" He questioned, almost to aggressively. 

He couldn't help it, he was so frustrated with this entire situation. Mikey's face twisted a little, and Frank was taken a shock with surprise as just as much anger found it's way onto his friends face and Mikey shook out of Franks grip. "Why don't you go ask Gerard." He spat at Frank, his eyes going over the boy with near disgust, his question more of a statement.

Panic washed over Frank, his eyebrows furrowing as he let Mikey leave. Why didn't he go ask Gerard...? What would Mikey know about that...

Suddenly, it clicked. He had been so upset, he hadn't even looked around the living room when he had stormed out the other day. Mikey must have been there. He probably saw it all. Frank, wearing Gerard's shirt and fleeing his room. Gerard, chasing him, half naked...

It made so much sense. Mikey probably thought he was a whore. Mikey probably thought Frank was just as disgusting as Frank was. These thoughts rushed into Franks head, anxiety tearing at his gut. Overthinking flooded over him, and Frank allowed himself to sit down, leaning against the cold brick wall of the school gym. 

Hot tears ran down his face, and for the first time since the whole incident, he let himself really cry.

Why did he ever have to meet Gerard? He wished Gerard had never smoked with him. He wished Gerard had never hung out with him, he wished they had never rough housed in Mikey's living room, he wished they had never shared coffee. 

Frank wished Gerard never would have introduced him to Lindsey, he would have rather let his parents down.

He wished Gerard had just left him alone the day they met.

He wished none of this would have ever happened.

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