Chapter 6

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I'd start this off bye telling you how stressed and freaked out Frank is, but it seem's like he's kinda stressed out all the time so i'm sure that's getting repetitive. So i'll tell you what's on someone else's mind, just for a little change of scenery, perspective, ya know?

Lindsey, she's kinda stressed. Mainly because the way Frank goes on about his parents, it half sounds like they'll stab her if she makes one wrong move. Although really, she's fairly sure nothing like that will happen though. Wouldn't wanna scratch their perfect record. But, all in all, she's not that worried because honestly, Lindsey's a natural people person. She figures she'll have no problem acting as a social light for the evening and talking up all of the fancy people Frank swears up and down will be there.

Gerard, well, Gerard hasn't even gotten out of bed yet. Well actually, he only got into bed a few hours ago. Currently, it's about seven o clock in the morning, and Frank and Lindsey are walking to Franks house right now. And well Gerard, Gerard only got into bed at around 5:30. Coffee can only keep you awake for so long, and now he's passed out and long gone. Probably not even going to get out of bed until around 5:30 in the afternoon.

Unless of course, he wake's up craving coffee. Because he's an addict. A coffee addict. Serious condition, you know.

Mikey, he's just frustrated. At what? He doesn't really know. He just knows that Frank, man. He's got the cutest smile. He just, when Frank smiles it makes him feel all giggly like butterfly's in his stomach because dear god he's just so adorable and sweet. He knows that this morning waking up with Franks arm around him, was so nice. But it didn't make any sense that Frank's smile makes him feel good or that it was nice waking up next to him, it doesn't make any sense at all.

Because Frank's his best friend, that would just be weird. And Franks a boy. Male. Has a dick. And Mikey is also male. And Mikey is very straight. Isn't he?

But none the less, I suppose we should get back to our main character now since we've had a check up with the others?

Frank and Lindsey had gotten to his home a few moments ago, and 'dear lord Frank was not kidding when he said he was rich was he?' is the majority of what was going through Lindsey's jaw dropped head as they made the way up into the huge house. 

The two were able to squeeze there way through the house without being noticed for the most part, at least bye his parents. Almost everywhere that wasn't personal quarters was busy, humming with activity. All the house workers and cooks were here, cleaning, decorating, and cooking. He was sure his parents wanted to put up the best possible evening, so of course they already had the staff here preparing.

Staff is said lightly, the only real people employed in their home was three different maids, mainly for tiding up, and a few workers to keep the grounds/gardens nice. Other than that, they had only hired a few extra people specifically for today to cook.

And his parents, they were no where to be found. So Frank and Lindsey slipped into his parents rooms pretty easily. They had to find her something to wear after all, and they both mutually agreed that nothing in her closet would be quite up for action of tonight's dinner. So, they were raiding his mothers closet.

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