Chapter 5

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edit: sorry for updating this like a ton of times wattpad is being a jerk

Kinda short, but the last one was kinda long so. it evens it out? whale anyways enjoy I guess. ( and before I get another 'wrong way' comment /stares pointedly at someone itS OkaY I haVE It ALl plANnED oUT. anyways. I was listening to save me - queen through this entire time writing tbh


Everything's warm, and nice. Comfortable, warm, soft blankets. And a soft rise and fall of a nice, warm chest as a pillow.

"Okay well.. definitely gay..." A soft voice faded into his attention, but Frank just flipped his head to the other side, slowly waking up. Fuck who ever was talking he didn't wanna get up. He was super comfortable, big soft blankets pulled up to around his waist and of course, using Mikey as a pillow. I mean, what are best friends for?

Frank always cuddles, hell he would be lying if he said he didn't have stuffed animals specifically for cuddling at home. Mikey doesn't mind, he's totally straight so he doesn't really care, and Franks's been his best friend for years. So if Frank wants to use his chest as a pillow and drape one arm around him before passing out, then whatever he guesses.

That's how they were laid together at the moment anyways, at about 12:00 Saturday, Mikey snoring louder than a pig. Because who want's to get up at a normal time anyways?

"Well.... if he wasn't... wouldn't be in this situation..." Another voice floated in, and Frank almost immediately recognized it as Gerard's.

Frank let out a loud groan, not wanting to be awake, before flipping his head back over and peeling one eye open.

"Aw look who's awake sleepy!" Gerard said in a way to high pitched sing song voice, obviously mocking Frank, causing the girl standing beside him in a very short skirt to snicker.

He groaned again, closing his eyes and yawning before pulling his arm away from around Mikey and moving himself into a sitting up position. Frank blinked, super tired. He had stayed up way to late last night. Him and Gerard had stayed up together until probably one thirty or two in the morning. And then he couldn't fall asleep until around three or three thirty because of how much sugar he and Mikey had eaten.

Gerard and a girl Frank didn't know were standing in the middle of Mikey's room, and basically just staring at them and talking. Gee was wearing a sweatshirt and had a cup of steaming coffee held between his hands, looking amused. The girl, well she was a sight to see. Clad in black heals, fishnets, a pleated black skirt, a band shirt and topping it all off with red lipstick and her bleached hair pulled back in pigtails... she certainly was something else.

And it didn't take a straight man's eyes to tell she's pretty hot.

Frank brings a hand up to rub his face, so tired that he doesn't even want to ask why the two are standing in Mikey's room and watching the friends sleep.

"Well are you gonna get your lover boy up and introduce yourself or do I have to?" Gerard questioned as he set his mug down on Mikey's bedside table, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow at Frank.

Frank almost immediately started blushing, "We'er not- it's not like that." He nearly stuttered out, more so because he was surprised Gerard would suggest that. He knew Mikey was straight.

The girl cleared her throat, raising her eyebrows as well. "Well, I mean.. you two-"

Frank interrupted her quickly, raising a hand up in defense "It's not like that!" As he raised his voice, mainly from embarrassment, Mikey's snoring faltered and the boy was quickly waking up as well.

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