Chapter 18

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As promised, this is Kong's and Arthit's chapter... though many of the ForthBeam and KimBas shippers are (im)patiently waiting for their turn, I have to do this as needed in the story.
But, I will immediately update once this chapter reached 30 stars...
Fair enough? I'll wait...
(Looks like I'll have enough time to update then... Thank you very much!!!)


3rd Person POV

Being an omega makes Arthit felt insecure. It is the reason why he strived so hard to enter this well-known Co-Ed school which is primarily dominated by well-off packs' members. He studied engineering that are primarily dominated by high ranking alphas. This is why he accepted being the head hazer who is being feared by the freshmen.

He doesn't want to be looked down as a weak, submissive omega.

He doesn't want to be controlled. Be it his life, his mind, or his heart. They are all his. And his alone to control as he liked.

Which is already figured out by Kongphob.

"Anyway, our dorm building are just beside each other... In case you haven't found out yet."

"Your point...?"

"We are going on the same path anyway, so why should we not go together then? If the destination is the same, the journey will be better, especially if it has been travelled with the right company..."

"And you are saying that you're the right company...?"

"If it is fated..."

"Are we still talking about our dorm...?"

"That... and our future."

Arthit blinked. Many times.
Looking at those determined eyes of Kongphob that he always hate.

He tried to hate.

He always had his walls up. But those stares are just burning those bricks one by one.

"...but you still have the right to decide yourself. Fate has been thrown only to us, either we catch it or we avoid it, it's still something we must decide ourselves."

Kongphob tried to show the most sincere smile he can manage. And, Arthit can see it on his own. But his stubborn self will never admit easily.

They ate their food silently. Both being drawn deeply by their own thoughts.

Arthit stand up once finished and without a word left the cafeteria and Kongphob behind.

The younger man just sighed profoundly.
And very much... frustratedly.


Kongphob's POV

My eyes automatically opened early in the morning.
As usual as I thought.

I glanced on the wall clock and saw the time. It is only 4 o'clock in the morning.
Too early. So it is not as usual then.

Maybe that is the reason why I still not feel like getting up. But knowing myself, there is no way I will still be able to return to sleep once awaken in the morning already, despite having a little to nothing amount of sleep on the previous night. So I just sit up on the bed, caressing the back of my head.

I sighed to myself and breathed deeply afterwards. Just to be excited by the whiff of a very enticing smell I sniffed on the air, which may be the cause of my awakening.

My head instantly turned on the direction of my mate's room, which I've found out earlier of the school year is located exactly across my own on the next building. I went near the window and take a peek in between the curtains trying to catch a glimpse of my beloved mate.

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