Chapter 7

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Hello, guys... are you still there? It's been awhile..


"Code number 0062, stand up and step up in front!"

The owner of the number complied and waited for the judgment. He already knew he will be the one to be slashed as always anyway. How sweet of his mate to always find a way to talk with him even using this way. He strive not to chuckle within his thought.

He made an effort to calm himself by breathing deeply, but instead, his mind was clouded by the sweet exhilarating scent coming from the man who called him.

"Do you remember that yesterday I asked how many students are there in this faculty this year?"

"Yes, I remember. The engineering faculty this year has a total of 1,118 students, with a total of 216 students from the Industrial Engineering Department."

The quick response turns the person asking in silence. He thought the kid wouldn't know, but it seems he had studied ahead of time. Actually, Arthit couldn't remember the exact number of students for that year either, but he remembered that the Industrial Engineering Department had a total of 216 new students. Thus, the person speaking wasn't making it up indeed.

Wow. This kid wasn't easy as he had thought, he had underestimated him. But of course he will not be easily staggered. He had a backup plan ready.

"Good! But that isn't my question, I just wanted to refresh your memory. Now, please look around you and count loudly how many of your fiends are here."

The person given the order turned to shout out the number of friends that were on the field, one by one. The head of the hazing team stood and listened with ease, he was sure that no matter what not all of the students were there. He was having him call out each number so that it would create more tension, especially when the count stopped at the last person.

While doing this, he seize the opportunity to check on the young alpha while he is busy turning his head on each student around him to be counted. He looks very confident and stubborn. Arthit is determined to tame this kid.

'Strong alpha they said? Let's see who is going to dominate who.'

"The total number of my friends is 162."

"So that means your class is missing how many people?"

"54 people."

He calculated very fast, as expected for an engineering student. Arthit nodded in agreement, and then he went into the issue.

"Great. Now, this is the question I want to ask that you must be able to answer."

Forgetting the situation between them, he turned to stare directly into the younger student's eyes, who in turn stared back without flinching, before displaying an evil smirk. He saw the blue light glint on his eyes. Damn, his inner is reacting. He touched his nape to control himself. He shook his head lightly and turned around to look for his friends. Knott and Prem were instantly beside him. He remembered Kimmon is unfortunately not here today so he must be extra careful.

He keep reminding himself that he is the head hazer and he needs to proceed in intimidating and teaching the freshmen. He then asked something that stunned everyone that was listening.

"I want to know, the total of 54 friends that are missing, where did they go?"


There was no answer.

"Where did these 54 people go?" Arthit shouted again.

Of course, even if he was a genius he would never know where the missing students were.

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