Chapter 12

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I walked into my apartment with my phone to my ear

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I walked into my apartment with my phone to my ear.

"Thank you so much for coming! I really did appreciate it." Caleb made this day so special for me. It wasn't overwhelming at all. He just had to say something, and I thought all was right with the world, maybe that's just him.

"The dress you got was nice." Says a voice from my apartment.

"I-I got to go. I'll talk with you later... okay. Bye." I hang up with Caleb, cross my arms, and give Steven a glare from across the room. "You looked at my dress?" There was a hint of annoyance in my voice.

"Well yeah. I called and looked online. Just to make sure you picked something good, you know?" He says this so simply, like it's nothing.

"Something good? Good? Excuse me, but I heard of this tradition that it's bad luck if you see the bride in it's wedding dress, or just the wedding dress at all because it ruins the surprise! And by the way, it's nice? I absolutely love it. So deal with it."

"Well lately it seems like I haven't been doing any planning for this."

"Ya think?"

His head falls. "I know I've been weird, but it's only because I'm nervous. Weddings are tough, and I just want to marry you! That's all I want to do."

I sigh. "Then help me get through this. Have patience, please." He nods in response.

Time passed and Steven ended up ordering from this Italian restaurant downtown. It was pretty good, but I just wanted a night in with Chinese food or something. But he likes the fancy stuff and has the money, so why not? It's great that I'm marrying him, without him, I think I'd be lost. Although, a little voice inside of me says otherwise. Isn't there someone you've been meaning to call, Julia? Yes, Caleb had helped me through a lot, and he's a wonderful friend, but at the end of the day, Steven is my fiancé. Plus, we all make mistakes. But I better call him just to make sure he's alright.

I step out on the balcony and dial his number. He immediately picks up.

"Hey! What's goin' on?" His voice sounds like smooth jazz, like he's dancing in his apartment. Swaying a little bit, maybe.

"I-I just wanted to make sure you were okay." There was silence. I began to panic.

Finally he answers, "why would you think that? That I'm not okay?"

"I.... I don't know." I try to think of something. "I mean, I-I meant to call you back, that's why!" I sputter out.

"Oh. Well I figured you had something important to do instead." His voice grows quiet.

"N-no! No I just... just... just got hung up on stuff. Like uh, t-traffic. Yeah, traffic."

"Okay. Well that's cool."

"Yeah..." I say after a while.

"Yeah...." we don't even say anything, we just held the phone to our faces listening. But none of us were saying anything. I could hear a little bit of him breathing. Usually I find that annoying, everyone hates a loud mouth breather. But this time, it was soft and controlled. It crept into my ears with ease.

"D-do you want to hang out tomorrow?" He asks me. I almost forgot I was still on the phone!

It catches me off guard, but I don't think I have anything booked tomorrow so I say, "sure! Y-yeah sure!"

His words are overlapping with mine. "Y-you don't have to! I mean, if you have other plans-!"

"No! No, no! No I'd love to hang out with you." After my response, There is a beat of silence.

Then he quickly said, "Okay, well that's great, see you at work!" Before I can get a goodbye in, he hangs up. That's odd.

Suddenly I feel happy. Nothing could ruin tomorrow! Everything had been going perfect! I couldn't have asked for a better friend. Or fiancé, of course!

I sigh and clutch the phone, "What have you gotten yourself into?"

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