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I am so excited to say I will be getting my first tattoo this month!!! Now I wouldn't preach a meaningful tattoo and not have meaning behind my own tattoo. So I'm gonna tell y'all what this means to me.

Prepare for personal deep shiz.

I have a rare condition called idiopathic intercranial hypertension or pseudotumor cerebri. Now you all know I guess. Basically there is a build up of  fluid in my brain creating tumor like symptoms and pain without the actual tumor.  September is awarness month for this disease that has no cure and can create life threatening situations. I HOPE someday I can be 'normal,' be pain free. I HOPE for someday there will be a cure or a medicine that actually helps. Until then I have to live with this disease. But I AM NOT this disease. I am so much stronger and braver now then I was! This disease doesn't not define me, it may hold be back but that won't stop me from achieving my dreams and living life. Everyday I am so thankful for my amazing support system, no matter how small. I'm also greatfull that my symptoms could be worse and I could be blind, but they aren't and I'm not. I want to spread awareness that this can happen to ANYONE. Despite what doctor's may say anyone can get this, a seven year old boy to a 50 year old obese woman. It doesn't matter! This is a cruel disease and to have anyone suffer is such a horrible thing. Take people's pain seriously, it may not just be 'in their head.' Hopefully doctors will learn more about this disease and offer better care, until then I HOPE.

I show my hope and my bravery with my tattoo. A dragonfly sometimes means when something is over come. I have just recently, two years after being diagnosed, overcome the mourning of my old life.  I have overcame the dreams I once had only to lay a new pathway that seems to look even nicer. So I get a dragonfly. The color, instead of just blue, will be blue and green as those are the awarness colors for idiopathic intercranial hypertension. I thank y'all so much for all the support and love I get everyday.

When y'all vote, comment, follow or even message me it reminds me that I've done something useful. And I can continue to do this, it will never be just a hobby. Please be sure to vote, follow, comment what tattoo you want and check out my other books!! Or even just my reading lists, there are some good ones there .....including mine ;)

I'll post a picture of my tattoo when it's all said and done! Until then I'm busy saving $$

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