Meeting him was okay, although Scott was a little too excited to meet Cap. He introduced himself to everyone, he seemed like a good guy. The only people he didn't know were Tori, Lexi and Quinn.

"So, who are you three?" He asked them. Sam wasn't hesitant to answer that question.

"Those three are the trainees. Tori, Lexi and Quinn. There are more of them, four actually, but three of them sided with Tony and the other one just doesn't agree with either of us, so she's home right now."

"So, do you guys have cool powers or something?"

"Yes, I can control minds. Tori can turn invisible, and Lexi can give and take away emotions and sensations." Quinn replied coolly.

"That's awesome!" He exclaimed. "I can alter my size."

"Cool. That's probably why they call you Antman."

"So do you guys have superhero names?"

"Not yet, we're technically not Avengers yet. We were the product of HYDRA's super soldier serum and testing. We took six months of recovery after that, and then began using our powers about eight months ago, so we're almost done our training," Tori explained. She looked over to see everyone begin to board the quinjet. "We should probably get going though. Plus, I can't wait to finally see our new suits!" She bubbled. The four of them followed Steve onto the jet, and flew off to Germany.


When Tony heard about Cap recruiting people on his side, he decided to do the same. He figured out that they were heading to Germany, and they needed to be arrested for running from the law. He knew he needed to stop Cap, and he had just the idea of who to recruit. Happy, one of his assistants, was driving towards an apartment building in Queens. He took Tris, Lorelei and Skylar with him, so that who he was recruiting would understand what was happening.

"So why are you taking to Queens?" Skylar asked Tony curiously.

"Because there's someone I want to recruit here. Cap's recruiting people to stand with him, and if we want to stop him, we need to "

"Who is this again?" Tris asked.

"Peter Parker, age nineteen, only a year younger than Tori. Not in college, he can't afford it, but he is working at the moment at the sandwich place about three blocks from here. He's the spider-ling you've been seeing on youtube lately."

"So what's the plan?" asked Lorelei.

"Because he lives with his aunt, the plan is we pretend that he's a candidate for a Stark Internship, and you guys get to be my other interns,"

"How do you know he's going to play along?" Skylar asked suspiciously.

"I've got that covered. Oh look, we're here. Game face, on!" He told them. They stepped out of the car and went inside the building. They reached the seventh floor, and knocked on one of the door. A really pretty woman about Tony's age answered the door.

"Hello, you must Peter's aunt. I'm-"

"Tony Stark, I know you! You're from Stark Industries," she smiled, "I'm May."

"I wanted to congratulate your nephew on winning this year's Stark Internship. These are my other interns, Lorelei, Beatrice and Skylar. They're here to help explain how the internship works,"

"Internship? Peter didn't tell me that he was applying for an internship! Please come in!" She opened the door further, leading them to the couch. It was a cozy apartment for two people, but it was still okay. "Please explain what this internship is," she asked.

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