Chapter 26- A new beginning comes to life

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Chapter 26

A few weeks later

"Scarlet, Scarlet!" A voice yelled from the door, followed by loud knocking.

I opened the door and found Alex standing before me with a folded piece of paper in his hand.


"Hello to you too."

I rolled my eyes. Alex stepped in and sat on the floor with a piece of paper in his hand. I looked at him strangely and furrowed my eyebrows. He grinned and unfolded the sheet of paper, revealing it to me.

"A Wonderland Carnival flyer?" I rose an eyebrow, "Where'd you get that?"

"It was in my mail."

"I don't know..." I was unsure.

"It's gonna be fun!" Alex exclaimed.

"Okay," I paused, "Should we bring Ray?"

"Can I ask you something?" Alex fidgeted with the flyer.

I nodded, "Sure."

I sat across from him on the floor.

"You know how ever since he arrived, he hasn't even tried going out with us?" Alex mentioned.

"I guess so," I shrugged.

"Why do you always try to convince him, talk to him or even mention him?" Alex asked.

Why? Why do I always to do that? I thought about Ray. His every feature, his stubbornness and then I felt a sudden aching feeling in my chest. A surge of sadness came over me and I held my breath. I stared motionless at the flyer, not understanding myself or my actions. It hurt my head just trying to think about it.

"Let's end this," Alex stood.

I stood up after him, "Wait, what?"

"It's so obvious Scarlet! I can't stand pretending to be oblivious to it anymore. You like him, you obviously do. I don't know what happened after that day I left but it seems you both like... no, still like each other." He looked at me with sad eyes even though his voice was filled with anger. "I don't want to be the one who has to turn the other cheek anymore."


"I just don't understand..." Alex continued.

"What is it exactly that you don't understand?" My voice cracked.

Alex paced the floor. He looked at me then to the window. He had a sad look in his eyes as he bit his lip. Alex held his breath for a moment then exhaled then rubbed his face in frustration. All his actions reflected on how much he knew me better than I knew myself, even what I felt.

"Is it because I nearly look like him?"

I nearly choked, "What?"

He covered his face with his hands and turned his back on me. Before he faced me again, he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Why? Why in the world did you have to say yes to me if you didn't even understand how you felt? You made me look like a fool."

I couldn't answer him. I didn't even have an answer.

"I'm sorry..." It was all I could say.

"We'll go to the Carnival tomorrow. Call Ray, you both need to make up. I hope you don't make me regret this."


"I've always thought of you as a little sister, you know. Then I thought of you as a woman but I shall go back to thinking of you as my little sister. I'll see you tomorrow."

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