Chapter 8 - Ghasts

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Chapter 8-

We searched water and land. It wasn't an easy road, fighting wolves were one of our many tasks to get to where we needed to be. We collected many odd things, objects that isn't seen in an every day life of a human being. We finally gathered every single one of the materials within 5 days. We had proudly accomplished out mission and were ready to get back to the witch.

We were beginning our journey to the favorable witch when something unyielding crashed into the front of the car. The contact caused a strong force that threw my whole body forward with a jolt, and if it wasn't for my seatbelt, I would've smashed right through the car window. Unfortunately, the seatbelt wasn't enough resistance to hold back my head which threw forward, hitting the cars interior surface. I blacked out and I didn't know how long I've been asleep but it didn't feel very long, perhaps it was because I was unconscious. When I awoke, we were on the grass and Ray was beside me. I checked my phone for the date, which surprisingly survived in my pocket, and it had been at least has been two hours since I last checked my phone. Although, I'm not quite sure, the crash may have done some damage to my brain.

I shook Ray gently. I didn't want him to be in pain for I saw blood covering his cheeks and arms. Wounds were all over him.

"Wake up..." I croaked, barely able to even make a sound.

He opened his eyes."Scarlet?" I heard Alex's voice instead.

I asked, "Feeling better?"

He nodded and looked around and frown appeared on his face. Seeing his expression, I started looking around me as well, and what I hadn't noticed when I awoke was the worst thing I have ever seen in my life. Trees were on fire, pollution filled the skies, garbage lay everywhere and cars crashed into one another. I looked down and saw my arms and legs covered in scars and decorated with blood.Alex noticed my body trembling and asked worried, "Are you alright?"

I nodded. I stumbled on to my feet and helped him up. We began to walk to Katrina's home. Wanting to know what's happening, Alex and I walked in silence, taking in what everything looks like and trying to figure out what happened. I didn't understand how we made it out of that car, how was it possible?

All I remember is that Ray and I were driving and we crashed into something, causing me to pass out unconscious. I tried to focus on what we crashed in or what crashed into us. All of a sudden, a car nearly sped into me. I could see the headlights of the car for a split second and everything else turned dark, as if I saw heaven in bright light. If it wasn't for Alex for grabbing me by the shoulders and pulling me out of the way, I would've been flattened by the vehicle. I felt awkward when he still hadn't let go so I quickly pushed myself from him.

While Alex wondered if he did something wrong, I went close to investigate the car. The vehicle was upside down because it was going so fast, it skidded across the road after it nearly killed me and flew into the air, landing upside down. Before it came to a stop, it rolled over a couple of times, damaging the vehicle even more. As I drew closer, I noticed there was a person inside but then I noticed it wasn't just a person. It was a soul but it was as visible as a ghost. When it noticed me, it quickly disappeared out of thin air.I looked back at Alex but he just shrugged, what a reaction. We continued on our way to Katrina's house. On our way, tiny meteors the size of a doorknob, fell from the sky. They were burning hot and burnt through the ground, digging it's own hole like acid. Frightened, I began to run. 

Katrinas a witch, she would atleast have a barrier, hopefully. Alex began to as well and I went even faster. A person stepped in front of us, holding out its arms, forbidding Alex and I to pass through. He barely looked like a human being, he was pale, his skin was rotting and scars decorated him. His clothes were also ripped and muddy, yet he had the form of a human being. I began to step away from it and Alex copied.

"W-what's that?" I stammered.

"No idea... but I don't think it's alive," Alex whispered. Alex and I tried to run the opposite direction but there were more 'dead' persons behind us. We ran through a passage way that seemed to be our only option to escape and hid behind a shack. We had probably gotten away, but not for long.

"What happened here anyway?" I asked.

"I don't know myself, but it ain't good," Alex panted.

I looked back and the 'dead' had disappeared.

I sighed a sigh of relief and said, "They're gone, lets hurry."

Alex agreed and we ran to Katrinas house, non-stop. Luckily, we arrived in one piece. We pounded on the door, screaming for help, causing Katrina to open the door in surprise.

"What's the matter?" she gasped.

"Dead..." I panted.

"Please come in and rest before you attempt to speak," Katrina let us in with a bit of worry in her voice.

We sat on the couch and Katrina asked once again, "What's the matter?"

I took a deep breath and said, "There is people everywhere whom I'm pretty sure are dead, and we just need-"

 Gun shots interrupted me. Katrina, Alex and I covered our ears. 

"What's happening?" I yelled at the top of my lungs, making sure they could hear me. 

"Even I don't know," Katrina replied.

 Rumbling joined in with the gun shots. Katrina clapped her hands once and the windows slammed shut automatically and we could no longer hear the noise. She rummaged in her cabinets and took out a book. Katrina flipped through the pages like crazy and stopped at a page. 

Katrina came back and said, "I found out why this mess of an event occurred."

Alex and I leaned closer, listening intently. A large crystal ball appeared in front of us and words appeared.

"The barrier from the other world has been broken, I believe that the scientists had an accident and forced the portal to open. The dead have been coming into our world and wish to not be defeated again."

"...Again?" Alex glanced at me.

"Decades and decades ago, the dead have forced a portal to our world to open. They wished to 'take over' but something happened, although I cannot remember what had stopped them," Katrina explained.

Alex and I exchanged glances.

"What shall we do to stop this?" Alex asked.

"Do you have the materials I asked for, miss Scarlet?" she asked me. 

I nodded and handed her every single material we collected.

"Do you mind if I use this for this situation other than your problem?" Katrina asked Alex. 

He just shrugged. 

"When is your birthday?" she asked.

"Never mind that, just hurry on with it," I heard Rays voice. 

I glanced at him and saw Rays fluffy hair and he looked like Ray now, I'm guessing they switched.

"Very well then," Katrina said and began to make a potion in her big black pot.

As she stirred she said, "Go to the scientists lab where they had opened the passage and shut it down before it widens, as soon as you do, it should be in a matter of time before they disappear."

We nodded.

"It will be harder than you think but with Ray, you can overcome it," she winked at me.

"Ray? What about him?" I asked.

"No worries darling, just depend on Ray and he shall help you along the way."

Ray gave me a smirk but I rolled my eyes, ignoring him.I looked out the window and I saw the military in their uniforms, aiming for the deads heads.

"Do they not see us?" I asked Katrina.

"Scarlet, darling, my home is invisible and unnoticeable in their eyes. Do not mind them."

The dead were strangling the military as the military shot at them. From above, it was like ants fighting over a piece of cheese. I nearly laughed at the thought.This situation is making me wonder if this is even reality, it's an odd scenario. 

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