Chapter 3- The escape

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Present time

I lightly yawned and stretched my arms and legs. It was dead quiet so I took a peek from behind the boxes and they were gone. Bewildered, I stumbled on to my feet. I cocked my head and then I heard a crack, my neck was as stiff as the cardboard boxes. I went up the spiral staircase and knocked on the door of Ms. Paige's quarters. 

Ms. Sally, one of Ms. Paige's friends, opened the door. Just as she saw me, she took my arm and yanked me in and shut the door.

"What's wrong?" I asked, bewildered.

She took a long look at me and smiled. 

"Follow me," she dragged me to a door and turned the doorknob.

What I thought I was going to see was outside where there would be cars and trees but instead was a corridor. "Why are we still inside? Didn't we just go outside?" I asked, even more confused. 

"You're 15 and yet you have no knowledge about the simplest things," Ms. Sally sighed.

"I apologize Ms. Sally," I lowered my head.

"Stop that nonsense and call me Sally. Now come," She led me to double doors with no handles or a doorknob.

To my surprise it opened by itself.

 "Never seen this before?" Sally laughed.

I shook my head lightly. She sighed again and we went into the very small room. The walls around me were glass and there were buttons stuck to the wall with numbers. 

"What kind of house is this?" I asked.

Sally just laughed and pressed one of the buttons. Suddenly, the room vibrated and it felt like we were moving.

"Where are we going?" I asked, trying to get my balance back. 

"Up," Sally simply said.

I didn't know what that meant but a moment later, the doors opened again. I stepped out and what was around me was different.  The hall was different. I think I need a moment to think!

"Are you okay?" Sally giggled and dragged me into a room.

I took a step inside as she went all the way to the back of the room. The back of the room was just clear glass. I came closer and it was beautiful. I saw towers everywhere. We were up so high that we were so close to the clouds.

When I looked down, I felt queasy but it was worth it. People were like little ants from above, wandering around. It felt like I was the king of them so I giggled a little and Sally smiled.

"It's gorgeous, isn't it?" Sally gazed out. I nodded and looked out too.

I just noticed that the sun was about to set. The colors of red, orange, blue, yellow and pink were mixed together. It gave me a soft, warm feeling. I just wanted to close my eyes and imagine I was right in front of it. I imagined the wind blowing in my face and the peace and quiet around me. 

All of a sudden, the door slammed open.

"There you are!" Ms. Paige shrieked.

Sally and I spun around and saw Ms. Paige's red face and for a moment, I thought I saw fire in her eyes.

"You little brat!" she marched towards me and yanked me by the hair.

It was extremely painful, it was as if my head was about to rip off. Sally's face was filled with horror and became angry.

"She has done nothing wrong! Let her go this instant!" Sally pulled me towards her.

Ms. Paige let go however she still hasn't calmed down.

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