Chapter 9 -Condenser

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Authors note: you guys are awesome, I tried my best in this chapter and make it long. Even though my laptop broke, don't give up on me guys!

Oh and this is a Halloween special!!!!!! Enjoy my fellow readers.

15 votes for next chapter~

Chapter 9

*Scarlet POV*

We set out to the building Katrina told us about. When we reached out destination, we ran to the main entrance. Firemen went in and out, taking people to the hospital and police officers talks with the scientists that survived the explosion inside after opening the condenser.

Ray and I crept in and lucky for us, the officers barely noticed. Fire decorated the floors, the windows were smashed and dead people lay everywhere. Not the zombie dead type where the souls took over a body, it was actual dead people on the floor, bleeding.

Not surprise AT ALL. Why did they even do this? It just caused them so much mess. I sighed as Ray and I walked in the corridors carefully. Blood was spilt everywhere and on the ceiling as well. I wonder how that got up there.

We came upon an elevator and decided to use it. Ray pressed the button to go down but the elevator doors wouldn't open. I looked at him and he just shrugged. We just stared at the elevator until my eyes came across something shiny. I crept towards it and it was a pass for the elevators in the building.

There was something wrong though.

This pass was squished on the floor by a dead scientists body, laying on it.

The scientists eyes were wide open, filled with fear. He was bleeding and probably still is in some places. Half his face was burnt off and I think it's rotting...

I shut my eyes tight and grabbed the pass from underneath him.

I ran to Rays direction and handed him the pass. He looked at it disturbingly for it was covered in blood.

"Stopped being a sissy and just use it!" I groaned.

Rolling his eyes, Ray snatched it from my grip and slid the pass into a metal box attached to the wall. Geez, is it just me or is everything in here I don't know of?

The elevator doors finally parted from each other and I was about to step inside until I saw Rays face, prettified. I followed his gaze and saw a man sitting up, reached out and a large metal look a like bullet in his eye. I hope it wasn't his eye but I saw a white round thing on the elevator floor.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, closed my eyes, stepped in and pressed on one of the buttons, laboratory. Ray and I stood side by side, avoiding the man behind us. Well more like we tried.

When the elevator doors finally opened, I escaped the elevator and Ray followed after he kicked the man, making him fall flat on his face.

"Uh why on earth did you do that?" I asked.

"Oh please," he moaned. "Who in the world needs to know?" And he walked off, continuing his walk to the condenser. I had no exact idea where it was and I'm not sure if Ray knows but I hope we know where we're going or at least have luck to where were going.


We came upon a glass wall but it seems like someone smashed into it. Ray went first, carefully fitting into the hole. When he was finally on the other side, I did the same. But when I was almost to the other side, the sharp pointed glass cut my wrist.

I yelped and gripped on the cut.

"Let me see it..." Ray sighed.

I held my arm out as he examined my wrist. He sighed once again. "Your so clumsy! Even at a time like this!"

There he goes again. More nagging. Why aren't I surprised? Maybe because he does it every single minute of the hour!

He ripped the bottom of his shirt off, surprising me and tied it around my wrist to cover my wound. "If it hurts, don't complain cause this was your fault."

I just rolled my eyes and followed him as we continued our search for the condenser.


We reached the end of our corridor but a door said "staff only" so I'm guessing that's where the condenser is hidden.

Ray tried pushing the door open, it wouldn't budge. He would pull it open but there was no handle.

"Look around to see if there's anyway to open this damn door!" He commanded.

"Yes sir, nagging sir." I muttered under my breath.

"What?" He glared at me.

I just shook my head lightly and looked around. All I could see was blood splattered on the bare white walls and a... Arm? I don't know about anyone else but this place is starting to creep me out.

I looked to the left and saw a glass door. "Look," I pointed to the door for Ray to notice.

"Wait here." And I obeyed.

I mean, who wants to go in there??? Who knows what's in there. Looks pretty dark too. I waited and waited yet he still hasn't come back through that door... I wonder what he's doing. Hopefully he's not in trouble in any sort.

I turned around and suddenly I saw dead people walking towards me, slowly. Slow but deadly. "Hurry up!!" I shouted for Ray. To my surprise the door to the condenser opened but I can't see Ray anywhere.

"Ray! Where are you?" I screamed at the top of my lungs, trying to yell over the dead people's rumbling.

Ray jumped out of the blue and came running towards me. "Get in." He calmly said.

I don't get how this guy can be calm at such a time.

Then he pulled out his dagger and slashed a dead persons throat and automatically, it fell to the floor. I was stunned and didn't move.

"How many times to I have to tell you? Go." He said calmly, ripping someone's head off.

I snapped back to my senses and ran to the door. Ray followed after kicking somebody to the ground and shut the door.

The corridor was pure white but burnt marks ruined it. The corridor must be short because it took no time to get to the other passage.

As we opened the door, we saw flamed everywhere, souls roaming and this is unbelievable but I saw floating red blobs with black tentacles roaming as well.

"I see the condenser." Ray whispered. "Run to it and shut it down. I will be behind you."

I nodded and set off running. There were stairs, lots of them. I almost tripped a bunch of times but I kept my balance and kept going. We need these things out of here. I came upon a ladder and quickly climbed it. I looked back and saw Ray fighting monsters with his dagger but he caught up.

I got to the condenser but there were many buttons and levers I didn't know what to do. Suddenly, a ghast attacked me. I quickly kicked it off of me as fast as I could. My little kick didn't stop it so I kicked it right in the middle and it immediately turned into dust and disappeared out if thin air.

Ray was being strangled by a monster but instead I heard Alex scream. Oh god Alex can't take care of these things! I was about to run to him when he screamed "Blue lever!"

I looked back on the controls and saw a small blue lever. I tried pulling it but it only moved an inch. It was small but tough to pull. I pulled harder and harder until I succeeded. Suddenly, I noticed the black hole in the middle of the room was sucking every monster and thing. That included me. I was close to being sucked in but I held onto the lever. I looked at Alex and he held into the railings.


After a minute, the black hole was gone and every single ghast. I fell to my knees and sighed a sigh of relief. Ray came up to me but didn't bother helping me to my feet so I just sat there.

But then... Something feels missing...

Authors note: thanks for reading! See you next time!

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