Chapter 22- Forward

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HHAHAAHHAHA. Mission accomplished! Y'all loved it. 

Chapter 22

We lean in closer to each other, the space between us becoming thinner. I watch his lips, not having the guts to look into his eyes. Before our lips had the slightest touch, I close my eyes, waiting for his lips against mine. Instead, a set of lips were placed on my forehead. My eyes flutter open and I look at him bewildered. Alex pokes my chin and chuckles. I feel my cheeks heat up as I glare at him. "Your so cute." He laughs. Alex lifts his wrist and glances at his watch. "You should get going," He says as he stands and offers me a hand. "Okay," I say as I accept his help. 

Once I'm out the door and I'm sitting in my room in front of the door, I bang the back of my head against the hard wooden door. With my face burried into my hands and my knees hugged to my chest, I sigh dramatically.  "Whats with him and the teasing?" I whisper to myself.

Don't act like you didn't like it.

Groaning, I lift myself on to my feet. After washing my face and falling into the comfy bed and resting my head on to the cushioned pillows, I drift off into sleep.


Months passes by and Alex and I grow closer. We start from having lunch together to having all meals together. We start from talking during our spare time to having late night talks. We start from sharing notes to having study dates. It was amazing how close we've gotten. Its as if we've known each other since forever. Which is actually true. I am unbelievably comfortable with him and he is just as comfortable with me. One glance at us together, you'd think hey, aren't they a nice couple? 'Cause we're sharing jokes, laughing, bumping against each other, walking in sync, sharing drinks and poking at each other. Saying it in my head actually does make it seem like we're dating but I'm not so sure about my feelings just as much about his feelings. 


I got out of the passenger side, following Alex in suit up a hill that was surrounded by nature and away from the parking lot. He promised me a day out of the city. Where we both could relax and watch mid-day go by. As I sat on the soft grass beisde him, he smiled at me. Smiling back, I rested my head on his shoulder. "Isn't it nice?" He asks. I look around and notice it's just us here. Well it is a Thursday night.


I remember back to the day when he teased about kissing me and realized I still haven't gotten him back. Smirking, I take my index finger and placing it on his chin, forcing him to look at me. He gazes into my eyes as I stare into his chocolate  colored pair. I push at his chest, making him lay on the ground. Sitting on top of him, with my hands on either side of his head, I slowly lean down. I watch as his pupils stare at my lips. Before my lips had physical contact with his, I jump off the ground and began dusting off my blue jeans. I began laughing as I turn to look at him, his face showing confusion. "Lets go, it's nearly sunset," I giggle. Before I could walk away, he grabs on to my arm and spins me around. His body was so close, we were almost already kissing. "No one teases me and gets away with it," His breath grazes along my skin, "No one." With that, his plump lips are against mine. At first I was too shock to respond but once his thumb on my waist began rubbing circles, I snapped out of it. It was a sweet kiss, not the hungry, heated ones. It was one of those sweet first kisses. Others would say my scenery only happens in movies. Standing against each other without space in between with the sun setting and on a hill with only nature around. A movie where two are sharing their love through their first, sweet kiss.

I'd say, I guess I'm lucky then.


The car ride was in silence with only music playing through the radio. Though it was a nice, comfortable silence. As soon as I hit my back against the bed with a stack of mail beside me, I begin to think, what happens now? What status do I have with Alex? Is he even thinking about this? As my mind makes a tornado inside, everything suddenly stops. Everything. I completely freeze. On the stack of mail is an enveloped adressed to me from Ray. 

I blink once. I blink twice. I can't be dreaming. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't surprised. What struck me the most is that I completely forgot about him. Or told him his brother is alive. Or... Talked about me and him or more likely, Alex and I. I think. I am constantly battling with myself to open the envelope or not. My curiosity got the best of me and the next thing I know is the envelope is ripped open and a letter is in my hands. I hold my breath as I unfold the foreign paper in my hands and began to read.

Dear Scarlet,

I'm sorry it took so long for me to write. I thought I'd get over you at first. I thought that. But I regret thinking that. I regret not having enough courage to write to you. I regret for having too much pride to write to you. Though most of all, I regret not having enough power to stop you  from leaving. As each day passes, I am reminded of you. Day after day I feel worse as if I have a fever and instead of feeling better, I fall into an illness. I miss you terribley. I am a wreck without you. What should I do? I tried calling you but it seems you changed your number. Sounds like a movie writing to you doesn't it? It's been bugging me but have you moved on? I haven't... I hope you haven't but that sounds selfish. But if you have, I respect it. I'm coming to London and arriving on Friday at 11 am. I decided to do this so we could... Talk. I really miss you. I miss your voice. I wonder how different you look. If it's okay, I'd like to say, 

I love you.

Sincerely, Ray

Tears brim my eyes. I dial Alex's number and I talk to him about Rays arrival tomorrow. We decided we'll just go with the flow. Yeah. Go. With. The. Flow. I have no idea what thats supposed to mean but I agree to it anyway. I couldn't help but read the letter over and over again. The next morning, I have actually memmorized the letter and I look like a mess. Surprising myself, I tried my to look my best. I hop into Alex's car and hope for the best. I don't know why but I couldn't help but feel nervous yet excited. My hands become sweaty as we arrive at the airport.

Here we go.


Was it short? I wrote this within one night from 9pm to 11pm STRAIGHT!!!! Hope you liked it <3 

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