Chapter 14- Road trip

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Chapter 14

*Scarlet POV*

Austin opened the door of his Honda and gestured for me to get inside. I smiled politely and sat on the passenger seat. When Austin was about to drive off he asks me, "Are you alright?"

I look at him bewildered then my eyes lit up. "Is there something on my face?" I blush, turning my head. Austin laughs and drives off the drive way.

"Your beautiful," he says. I turn to look at him and his eyes are focused on the road but I could see some pink in his cheeks. I'm guessing from the cold.

My head rests on the window as I look out. I don't understand why but all I could think about was Ray. How upset he must've been losing his brother. I've never seen him with such sad expression. I even had to bother him and end up taking a nap on his bed when he must've been tired. Ugh I'm so stupid.

All of the sudden the car stops and I turn my head to Austin. He smiles warmly, "we're here."

Once again, he opens the door for me. Are boys suppose to do this? Ray never done this for me. This is extremely confusing me.

As I get out, Austin holds out his arm. I look at him, my eyes narrowed. Austin giggles and takes my arm and wraps it around his. We begin to stride to the theatre but I kept my eyes focused on the ground. I don't know why but my cheeks felt flushed. Before I could step into the theatre Austin asks, "Hey are you ok?"

I lift my head to meet his gaze. He had his big puppy brown eyes and he looked like he was pouting. I smiled and nodded. "That's a relief" he laughed and we watched the movie. After the movie my stomach hurt so much from laughing. I could tell Austin's stomach hurt from laughing too because he was clutching his stomach and his face was close to reddening.

At first I thought we were driving back home when he brought me to a place that had a sign with the word 'carnival' on it. Is it always gonna be like this? I won't be able to know what a lot of words are?

Austin parked the vehicle and helped me out. He led me to the entrance and right away I was fascinated by the sight. There were a few roller coasters in my view and a Ferris wheel and little stands below. People crowded everywhere and many people held prizes or snacks in their hands. Austin paid the man at the entrance and held his hand out to me. I took it and he led me to a stand. There, a man was selling fluffy things with many different colours on a stick. They looked odd but soft. Austin bought one and handed it to me. I looked at it bewildered.

Austin rolled his eyes and chuckled, "eat it."

I ripped off a piece and placed it in my mouth. It melted right away and the sweetness satisfied my taste bugs. As I kept eating it, Austin led me to another stand and we had to shoot these small balls into 3 holes. I attempted to win but failed miserably though I wanted the big teddy bear but Austin won and his prize was the bear. Knowing I wanted the stuffed animal, he handed it to me.

We went on a few rides and had some snacks but time flies and it was almost dark.

"We should maybe go home now..." I suggested. Austin thought for a moment then he said, "alright but I have one last ride in mind."

He brought me to the Ferris wheel and climbed in. We were silent the way up but when the Ferris wheel stopped at the top he said, "look closely outside and what do you see?"

I looked out and a million stars shined weakly in the sunsets glow.

On our way back home we laughed and talked. It was extremely fun until I walked into my room. There stood Ray glaring at me. "Where were you?" he asked but before I could answer he continued, "do you even know what time it is?"

He just kept questioning me over and over again I couldn't take it. ''STOP!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. He looked at me surprised. ''Just please... get out..." my voice softened. But before he could protest, I pushed him out of my room and locked the door.

I slumped beside the bed.

What's his problem?

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