“Start what? I’m only telling you that you should be careful.” Calum said, kind of annoyed that Ash didn’t take these things seriously.

“We won’t be here much longer, you should listen to him.” Michael said, coming in Calum’s defense. Ashton’s hands lifted in front of him, his own way of saying that he wasn’t really in the mood to talk.

And just like that all discussion about the matter ended. Nobody said another word about it, they simply went on about their business and before long the four of them were getting ready for their night out.

The four of them moved between the two joined bedrooms, the door wide open to make them both seem like one room. It didn’t take them long to get ready, wearing their normal band tees and skinny jeans for this party.

“I’ll meet you boys at the lobby?” He asked as he pulled his beanie over his unruly curls, fixing up his hair for a few more seconds in the mirror.

“Yeah, sure. Don’t take too long getting them.” Calum said, padding him on the shoulder as he walked past him and out of the room.

“We’ll be waiting in the car.” Luke added, offering him a smile before they disappeared out of the room. Ashton followed after them but walked to the opposite side of the elevators towards the room she shared with her two friends.

Not even two seconds after he had knocked on the door, Heather was pulling the door open looking at him from head to toe.

“Well hello there handsome, come right in. We’re almost done.” She said with a huge grin as she led me into the bedroom where Mia sat down in front of a mirror finishing up her makeup.

“Hey,” She said with a bright smile as he walked her way and sat beside her, his hand resting dangerously close to where her legs lay on the bed. 

“Hey back.” He murmured as he leaned in to press a kiss to the top of her head and began to watch her through the mirror.

He saw as her cheeks tinted a bright red as she was self conscious of his eyes on her every move. He liked her face of concentration as she applied mascara in each one of her eyes, her nose crinkling when she caught his eyes in the mirror and stuck her tongue out, making him laugh.

“We should really get going. The rest of the boys are downstairs waiting.” He said as he got off the bed and pulled Mia along with him, his hand easily sliding into the small of her back.

“Well good thing we’re ready.” Sydney said as she grabbed her purse and waltzed past them with a grin, holding the door open as they all walked outside and towards the elevator.

“There you guys are!” Michael said with a grin as he wrapped his arm over Heather’s shoulders, bringing her close to his body. It was weird how her friends had become a part of the group and everyone got along so well.

“The boys said they would meet us there, they’re seeing some friends downtown.” Sydney said, referring to Mia’s male friends Zack and James.

“Perfect!” Calum said, opening the car door and helping Sydney and Heather into the car; Mia and Ashton following closely behind. The party could truly begin now.

The drive to the club wasn’t long and thanks to Michael’s connections they actually managed to get in without any problems or actually having to wait in line for hours.

The place was already crowded, people bumping into them as they danced or tried to get to where they wanted to be. Ashton’s hand stayed securely around Mia’s waist, holding onto her hip as they all moved to the second floor of the club where they could all have a little more privacy and room to move.

A Simple Mistake || Ashton Irwin (completed)Where stories live. Discover now