Angel With A Shotgun

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Thalia Groaned. The sun shone through the flap in her tent, hitting her directly in her puffy, red eyes. It had been a month since she had lost her baby brother, this time for good.

And yet, the world still wouldn't give her a break.

Sighing, the short haired woman pulled herself out of bed, pulling on the same familiar pin-encrusted leather jacket and large, heavy leather combat boots. A large horn sounded in the distance, signaling the hunt that outsiders had approached the campsite.

Great. Just what I wanted to wake up to. Even her thoughts were sarcastic as she pulled her silver bow and quiver over her shoulder, rolling her eyes as she reached for the familiar silver bracelet that she wore to every battle.


Outside, a group of about twenty or so young women were gathered in a large circle, their bows all drawn on one man.

The man wore your typical hunting gear- Flannel shirt, brown puffy vest, hat, khakis, the whole shebang. He was even brandishing a large, golden shotgun, which he had pointed at the hunter in front of him.

This particular huntress happened to be Elena Bell, a young woman who appeared as a fourteen year old Italian girl with long dark hair and piercing grey eyes. As far as this man hopefully knew, he was pointing a gun at a child.

This sickened Thalia. Her gut twisted into knots, her sky blue eyes storming over as little sparks of electricity crackled through the blue streak in her hair. This man was a monster. Not literally (as far as she could tell), but a monster nonetheless.

Then, the man spoke, twisting her guts even tighter. This time, however, it wasn't because of the gun. "Lay down your arms, and no harm will come to Miss Bell. I realize that she will not die, but this would be the most pain she's felt in all of her 514 years. "

Thalia's bow dropped from her hands as her eyes became a full, stormy grey. This wasn't a mortal, that was certain. However, he didn't carry himself like a God or a monster. His shoulders were perfectly squared, his back straight, and his face somber.

He seemed almost remorseful.

Thalia held up her hand as she stepped forward, causing every single one of the hunters to drop their bows and stand at attention save for one small girl clad in grey flannel, who glared at the man with a fiery rage, almost as if she knew him.

"Maija. Bow. Now." Thalia ordered, her eyes burning through the blond, who lowered her weapon as her grey-green eyes returned her lieutenant's death glare. The Latvian then rubbed the strange pendant that she kept on at all times- something resembling a strange pentagram.

Thalia turned to the man, who seemed relieved to finally lower his weapon. The gun promptly disappeared in a flash of blue light, causing Maija to leap forward before Thalia grabbed her shoulder, pushing her back into formation.

She then walked up to the man as two hunters hurried over to the shaking Elena, handing her a thermos of cocoa and wrapping her in a silver shock blanket. Thalia spoke to the man, her voice unusually stern, as if she were channeling her father himself.

"Explain. Now." She ordered, pointing an angry finger at the stranger. "Gladly," he smiled, his face suddenly became gentle, almost saint-like "I am Hubertus, and I'm an angel of the lord."


Sorry if that was short, this is my first fanfic that isn't more of a spinoff. I just got to the last few episodes of season 5 of Supernatural (I inhaled a bunch of spoilers on Tumblr though) and chapter four of The Burning Maze (the internet spoiled Jason for me), so forgive me if it's a bit inaccurate.
I only own Elena Bell and Maija Kalniņa, who won't play a very big part in the story. Hubertus is the guy that came up when I Googled "angel of hunting". Thalia, the hunters of Artemis, and the other mythology based characters belong to Rick Riordan. Supernatural belongs to the CW. Tune in next chapter to find out why an angel is consorting with Greeks!

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