The Shore Knight

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"Happy Birthday Kouta!" said a older man. It's been seventeen years since Kouta appeared on the doorstep with a little note. Kouta was a shy child, but also caused alarm to people passing by. Kouta's orange tail while good for getting things, people knew of the poison hiding in the tip. He was outcasted, bullied and even when he saved everyone from invaders by hiding them underground; they still didn't trust him. The older man who simply went by K was fiercely protective of his new son. No matter how many times Kouta cried and got bullied, K was there for him. Every time Kouta smiled, had a birthday and experience many things for the first time-K was brought back to his lost two sons. Everyone nearby knew K lost two sons, the full details never surfaced. The only information that was common knowledge, the two sons killed each other. As to why, nobody knows. 

At seventeen, Kouta was going to become the official Shore Knight. The previous knights had fallen to abandoning their beautiful ocean coast home. It wasn't that big, weather got to be too much at times and the invaders never stopped. In order to become a official knight, it was time to journey to the nearest castle. To avoid the king or even queen's men from being spread out too thin, each town was allowed to send up to forty men (young, middle age and old) to the nearest kingdom. While it wasn't a definite way to slow down invaders often, it was still a big help. Kouta knew the journey to the Sun Kingdom wasn't going to take long. "The new king is quite young, maybe a few years older than you. His best knight I heard is at your age though. It's a shame the new king's father was under a spell. To have to kill your own father, I can't even imagine. That magician who did that spell, nobody is willing to say his name. Nobody wants to even mention him on paper. Cowards." said K. 

Kouta just shook his head, to fear magic is to lack courage. Sure magic was a miss and hit across the land. Some people actually used it for good and some didn't, Kouta just knew that fearing the unknown was just adding another issue to the list. The Guardians were doing a shit job and to think people prayed to them for help. Kouta knew deep down becoming a savior was the only way to keep the what little justice was still around. Kouta finished packing with the hopes of asking the young king to form a group. A group that could take on surrounding invaders then track down this magician. Kouta loves his father and the village, it's just time things started looking positive. "Dad, I'm going to change the world. The Guardians who created everything are just standing by, doing nothing. I'm not here to keep watching people loose faith in us. I'm the only knight this coastal village will have. I'm going to create the saviors, knights who actually save and help people. The population all around us is slowly shrinking. And nobody is doing a DAMN thing. We have a variety of royalty yet nothing is happening. I can't stand around and do nothing."said Kouta angrily. The bright orange tail swung around angrily careful to avoid hurting K. 

K simply sighed and rubbed his face. With a deep sigh K knew who to send Kouta first. The siblings to the north, a prince and princess who lost their parents a few years ago. The princess was easily excited and happy as can be. She was a kind yet stern ruler, the people were forever grateful for her gift of education. The prince was quiet, skeptical of how to emotionally respond as a ruler. The two knew all they had was each other and taking the throne together as sister and brother was the best option. The Amaranth kingdom where the princess and prince ruled over lacked in long lasting resources. K knew Kouta would hate deterring from his main mission, it was also important that the truth be slowly told. The Guardians weren't bad, they just couldn't meddle in people's affairs. No matter how bad it got. The princess and prince siblings had a huge library that would be enough drown out this crazy savior talk. 

"Kouta, please go here first. Don't say anything just listen. These two siblings they can help you, in fact they are low on some fish and fruit. Take these barrels and bags, after you see them go see the king. I just want you to be in a sound mind. As well as come back alive. Take Tia and I'll see in a few weeks."said K. The brown steed was already connected to the wagon and was waiting for it to be loaded. Kouta couldn't object, doing the right thing was what came first. To visit the prince and princess first meant he could get a well deserved history lesson. 

Kouta put his armor on then a beige cloak, only his eyes could be seen. With light nudge, the journey to the north began. 

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