10. A Night With David

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David nudged my arm. "We should go back to the cave." "Is it morning already?" "Almost, we need to get inside before the sun com noes."

"For once I want to see outside from a vampires eyes." "There's good reason we don't." "What happens?" "Exposure will cause blistering and burns, our retina's will burn, and our bodies automatically shut down during the day. Because we sleep then."

"Just sleep." "No." He grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

"Let's go back." "What will they say?" "Dwayne will be an ass." "The others?" "Max will be furious, Marko and Paul will be alone together."

"I have a question." "Ask away." "Are Marko and Paul," I cleared my throat, "well, are they, you know, a couple?" "If they are it's none of our business." "Our relationship seems to be their business."

"I know" he said pulling me closer. "You're made be better you know" "Thanks." I blushed. He smiled.

"Let's get back." We ran back, leaping over the rocks and boulders.

Over the smell of the sea spray I caught the smell of blood. Human blood. My mouth watered. I could feel my fangs lengthening. "Prey." "It's injured." "Should we?" "Yes."

We ran after the human. We weren't entirely silent and the guy screamed when he saw us. He had several cuts and bruises. Broken pieces of wood littered the ground around him. His leg looked mangled. It was broken.

I sank my teeth into his throat. He died after I crushed his trachea.

It was hard but I tore myself away. We had to let the others feed. "We should bring him.back. Let the others feed as well." "We found it." "They're our family."

David sighed. "I guess your right." "I always am David." "Don't get to smug about it." He said grinning while flashing his fangs in the growing light.

He look at the sky nervously. "We really need to get back."

We flew back, not bothering to hide frombprying eyes. We narrowly made it to the cave without being burned.

"We brought food!" Everyone was there instantly. "A human." Marko looked awed. He was starting smallest and growing weak. Weaker then the rest of us.

Max barrled to the front. "I get to eat first. Move aside." Paul slammed into him, knocking him off balance.

"No you don't! Where were you while we were here, STARVING! You in no way get to eat now!" "Paul!" "Watch out," he snarled, "or we'll be feeding from you next."

Max backed away. We all ate at once. The blood was bitter and slightly revolting. I suspected if we didn't feed we returned to our human states. As far as I knew no one had tried it.

We returned to the cave that day. Max was sleeping in one of the higher chambers. I've hadn't explored them and I especially didn't want to after I learned that's where Max stayed.

David and I went to our room to sleep.
It was dark and comforting. No one would get in. And if they did we'd heat. We were free to do whatever we chose. But we chose to sleep that day instead.

I woke up with David's arms around my waist. I leaned against him and closed my eyes. I liked being alone with him.

I felt his arms shift around me. He was waking up. I curled around his arms. He moved back, gently trying to get me off.

I leaned back against his chest. "I don't want to get up yet." "We have to Bailey."

I groaned and turned to face him. "Why?" He kissed me gently. "So the others won't worry." "They won't. They know we're a couple David. We aren't doing anything wrong."

"I know." He kissed me and paused for a second. "Maybe we can spend our time alone."

We did. For the entire night. Our kisses more passionate. We curled into each other's arms. Not leaving once.

Not letting anyone or anything disturb us. We knew what the others thought. We knew that they knew what we were doing. But I didn't care. And neither did David.

We could finally love each other at last. Not even Max's cruel stare would stop us. Nor would Dwayne and Paul's teasing and jokes. Marko knew it was coming. I knew that now. He never did comment on our relationship.

The night was amazing. I've never loved anyone more. I've had crushes and boyfriends. But we were in love and we would stay together forever.

It was amazing. And I finally felt I truly belonged.

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