9. Nights On The Bluffs

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(Bailey's POV)

I woke up and he was gone. I stiffened and looked around the room. He wasn't there. I left our room. It was permanently ours now. Away from the prying ears and eyes of the others.

"David?" I looked through him throughout the tunnel. Marko and Paul were in the main area playing some type of game. Dwayne was reading some book. I didn't see David.

"Where's David?" Dwayne looked up. "He was waiting for you." "Where is he now?" "I don't know."

Bailey: David? Where did you go? Dwayne said that you were waiting for me but you aren't out here anymore.
David: I'll be out there soon. Don't worry.

"Where's Max? And where's David?" Finally I got an answer. Marko didn't look up but at least he told me.

"Max took David deeper into the tunnels. He said he had to talk to him privately."

"Okay, I'll just wait here for him then." I leaned against the wall. There were three main tunnels. At least three we used. One leading into the cave where they slept, one leading to where me and David slept, and another, leading to more rooms and tunnels.

Bailey: David? Are you coming? Are you all right? What did Max want?
David: I'll be out soon

From inside the tunnel my sharp senses picked up sounds of David and Max coming closer. They were deep in the tunnel and it was hard to here. I didn't know how to tune into the sound yet. The others did. They stopped what they were doing and came over by me.

I heard rising voices and a thud. A cry of pain. I didn't know how long it was but eventually they came out. David, looking angry, ruffled, and embarrassed. I could see a faint red mark tracing his jaw.

Max looked angry as well. His fists and jaw was clenched. He flew up to the ceiling. I looked up. I hadn't not it before but there was a series of smaller tunnels. He flew into one. He was probably watching us through broken boards and cobwebs.

"David?" "I'm not talking about it." He still had his shirt off. A different coat. A leather jacket. Two faint scars ran across his chest. The bullet wounds. They'd take a few weeks, maybe months to heal.

"Are you okay?" "Yes." "No you aren't."
"How'd you know?" "We have a connection remember?" "All of us." "Not like us." "They're behind us you know." "I know." "And you don't care?" "No, why?"

He leaned closet to me. "Turn around." I did. A of them straightened up. They were snickering. "You guys are just jealous you haven't found mates yet."

Marko and Paul looked a bit uncomfortable at that. Dwayne looked bored. "That's because someone got us put on house arrest."

He heavily emphasized someone. We all knew it was David. Dwayne didn't need to rub it in. David's eyes were smoldering dangerously. He curled his lips over his fangs. "Care to repeat that Dwayne?"

Dwayne stood straighter and crossed his arms. He looked rather annoyed. "No, it's already been said, unless you didn't hear. Is it that your loosing your hearing as well as your leadership?"

I heard a low growl from David. I looked up nervously. If Max heard... There's no telling what he'd do.

"Dwayne." "Yes David?" "Are you challenging me?" "Don't need to. You aren't our leader anymore."

Dwayne was going to get hurt if he kept this up. And David would end up regretting it. They both would.

"Enough! Both of you!" They turned and looked at me. "David, you aren't acting like a leader, if you want to keep the position act like it! And Dwayne, stop messing with him. You know you'll end up hurt."

David's shoulders sagged. The fire in his eyes was gone. He turned swiftly and flew up outside.

Dwayne walked over to me and clasped my shoulder. "Your smart kid, David's lucky to have you." I glared at him. "I'm old as you are." He smirked. "Compared to me in vampire years your an infant."

I walked off with a huff. He didn't follow me. "Going to cool his temper Bailey?" "Shut it Dwayne!" He laughed again.

I was about to turn around but I thought better of it. "Good job of keeping your temper!" I promptly flipped him off. "Hey! I was joking! Your cruel Bailey!" "Leave her alone Dwayne." "Come on man." "You know what David would do if he caught you?"

I didn't hear their conversation. Instead their voices grew fainter. I headed out on to the cliffs to look for David.

He wasn't around the bluffs or paths so I headed to the beach. I doubted he'd be down there. He never mentioned it, talked about it, or even went there. Then again that might be so he could go there alone.

I flew down since it'd take to much time to climb down. "David?" "Over here."

He was leaning against the rocks. The ocean water spraying water everywhere. If we were human we would've drowned by now. I sat by me sitting with my arms wrapped my legs. I shivered slightly. I still hadn't lost sensitivity to the extreme temperatures.

Usually beaches were warm. Here the water was an icy spray that threatened to kill people trespassing it's waters.

"Are you sure your okay?" "I've never been okay. Not since I changed." "You seemed, happy, free." "Free, independent, yes. Happy, not quite."

He sighed. "For nearly ninety years I've never been quite happy. I didn't even meet Paul until after five years I changed. And then I waited two years to change him." "What year were you changed?" "1998." "What about Paul?" "1905."

He sighed again. "I was alone for five years. It was hard." "What about Max?" He scoffed. "You think Max cares?" "No."

He turned away slightly. I knew he didn't want to talk anymore. I just sat by him. "Why did you let him change you?" "I didn't." "Will you tell me now?" "No, not yet." "All right."

I leaned against him. I felt him stiffen then relax. I wondered again about the last time he had a girlfriend. Or if he was a vampire, a mate.

"David." "Yes?" "Do you ever miss your family?" "I used to, why?" "I miss mine." He grabbed my hand with his own. "It's all right. It'll take time but you'll get used to it." "How long has it been? I don't remember." "A little over a week."

"I wish we could go hunting again. Alone, together." "Yeah." He pulled me closer. "David? Is Dwayne able to read minds?" "I don't know. Why?" "He was acting like it." "Maybe, he is good about reading visual clues though."

"Are we going to leave?" "No. We can't there's no where else to go." "I'm hungry though, we'll need to feed at some point though."

"Bailey, don't worry. We'll plan something tomorrow night." He stretched out so he could face the water. "Bailey? Will you join me?" "Yes, of course I will."

I lay beside him. He held me close to him and I held his arm. I turned to face him. We leaned into each other, pressing closer.

Our lips met and we kissed. Lightly at first and then with passion that roared through us like fire.

We stayed together until dawn. Kissing, whispering, building our relationship. We only talked about us. Our worries, troubles, plans. That night it was almost as if we were human.

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