4. Sign Of The Vampire

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I woke up after hearing thuds. The boys were up. I stood and felt the hunger inside me. "We hunting tonight?" I was hungry again. Not for food, but for human blood.

"If you need to."

They flew outside. Marko landed by me instead of following the others. "How much of that did you drink?" He said pointing to the bottle.

"Does it matter?"

"I don't know, as far as I know no one has done it. David might be upset though. C'mon, we better catch up."

He turned and was gone. I followed behind. They were waiting by the bikes. "Ready you two?"

"Yeah. Where are we going tonight?"

"First people we come across. As long as their alone of course." David smirked. "Let's head out." He turned and headed out over the bluff. I no longer had a fear of dropping into it. I moved closer to David. Dwayne gave me a look but didn't so anything. He just moved back.

We stopped when we came to a small group of kids.

"We'll make their deaths quicker. Since their young."

"You prey on children?"

"Think of it this way, they are our prey. We are the predators. Animal predators don't care if their prey is young or old. Besides they're alone, abandoned to the cliffs."

"All right..." I said uncertainty. They crept up on the kids. They didn't scream, didn't notice, didn't know, didn't care when their throats were split and their blood spilled on to the grounds.

The smell hit my nose and I was immediately hungrier. I crept forward. "Joining us Bailey?" Prey, flesh, blood, a once beating heart, no pain came to them, they weren't scared, and I was oh so hungry.

"Yes." I sank my teeth into already open wound and drank. The child would just be another missing poster now. And I didn't care at all.

We headed over to the boardwalk when we were finished. David instructed me to head to the comic shop. He knew the Frog Brothers suspected him. I was to find out how to tell if a person was a vampire.

I walked in and the bell rang. They looked over and walked over simultaneously. I knew they did it to creep people out.

"Welcome back Bailey."

"Hello to you too Edger."

Instead of making an attempt at being friendly, Allen snapped at me."What do you need Bailey?"

"Cold already Allen."

"Always been."

"Ha, nice joke."

"I wasn't."

"I have a few questions."

"Ask away."

"Will you guys stop doing that."


"That thing were you walk around people and stare them down."


"Is that all? Because if it is your wasting our time."

"I have another question. One that's more important."

"Well ask it instead of wasting time."

"What are the signs that someone's a vampire? I met this girl and she seemed, odd."

"Bad smell, sunlight freaks them out, long nails, fangs, sleeps all day, out all night. What else do you need Bailey?"

"Nothing, that's all."

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