1. Meeting The Lost Boys

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(Bailey's POV)

I left the house around nine. I decided to go to the boardwalk. I had been avoiding it since I heard rumors of a gang starting fights. It had been about a  month ago though so I figured it would be fine.

I had just finished getting settled in my house. I moved to Santa Carla two months before. I decided I should go out for a change.

I walked over since I didn't live to far away. There were games, rides, food. Everything you'd expect to find on a boardwalk.

I decided to get dinner first. There was a small Cafe and as I walked in I saw a tall blond guy leaning against the counter. He was dressed in all black and looked rather bored.

I walked up and stood behind him. He straightened and winked at me with a smile before walking outside. I quickly ordered my food. A bagel with cream cheese. I ate and headed outside.

Five guys were standing in the shadows. The blond one stepped forward. "Hello."


"Your new here."

"I know. I moved about two months ago."

"Why haven't you been to the boardwalk sooner?"

"I had to get my things moved"

"Where are you from?" he asked titling his head.


"Wellcome to The States, I'm David."

"I'm Bailey."

"My friends behind me are Paul, Dwayne, Marko, and Michael." Each of them nodded as he introduced them.

"Are you with anyone? It seems strange that a pretty girl like you is alone in the streets."

I blushed. "No, I'm alone. For now." I smiled. "I guess I'll have to stick around you guys for now on."

Michael turned and left. The other four shared a look.

"Is he okay?"

"Yes, he's just still, getting used to us I guess."

I was confused. "Aren't you guys friends?"

"Yes, we just met him a few weeks ago."

I felt better. "Oh. Is he all right though? He seemed upset."

"Dwayne, why don't you find him. We don't need him getting into a trouble." I might've imagined it but I swear I heard him add, "unlike last time this happened."

"Bailey, want to meet by the concert tomorrow night? Same time as now? We'll all be there. Maybe not Michael but I'll be there."

I smiled. "I will be there too then. Thanks David."

Then, they were gone. I couldn't see them in the crowd of people. I decided to go on a few rides, maybe make some friends.

By the end of the night I had met someone . A girl my age. She said her name was Emily.

I got home around midnight. I met some other people to. A girl my age. Her name was Emily and we were neighbors. We got each other's phone numbers and promised to call if we wanted to hang out.

I quickly showered changed into comfortable clothes. I was exhausted so I went to my room to sleep.

I got up early the next day to gonto work. The night before I had gotten a job at a comic book shop. Two other people worked there. Edger and Allen Frog.

They often spent their time rambling on about vampires, truth, justice, the American way. Whatever that meant. It didn't unnerve me though, they looked to be fifteen or sixteen and they were probably trying to sell more horror comics.

I left work for my lunch break and headed down to the beach. After an hour of swimming and attempting to get a tan I left to get lunch and head back to the store.

There I was confronted yet again by the Frog Brothers. Allen was comforting some kid in his usual strange way while Edger was going on about staking vampires.

Edger came up to me when he saw me. "Hey Bailey."

"Hi." He pulled out a picture. "Have seen this guy? He's Sam's brother. He went missing a few weeks ago. His name is Michael. Sam said he last saw when he was racing motorcycles with a gang."

The kid who must've been Sam looked at me hopefully. "Yeah I've seen him. He was with these other guys."

Sam came up to me. "Where at?"

"A Cafe on the boardwalk."

"I have to go now, thank you so much." He ran out startling several people.

I got to work and was dismissed later that night. It was almost time for me to meet David and his friends. I was starting to get second thoughts though. After all Sam hadn't seen Michael since he started hang around David and his friends.

It was to late to change my mind though. It would be rude to back out just because Michael was supposedly missing.

On the way to the concert I saw a large wall. It was full of missing posters. I found several with faces I recognized. Marko, Paul, and Dwayne.

I was starting to get scared. Three guys were missing. Missing since the early 1900s.

I felt a chill go down my spine. I grabbed the posters and shivered. The paper was old and weathered. I stuffed them in my purse. I had to know what the posters were about.

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