5. Michael's Death

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I was the first one awake. The sun was setting. Time for us to leave. I was still tired. I nudged them awake. "Guys, we should go." I walked out and stretched. Luckily no humans noticed.

They followed me out from the doc and flew to the sky. Only David stayed. We turned to head back of the doc and the bikes were gone. Great.

"Let's go find Dwayne." Somewhere Marko and Paul were above us. Probably scouting out prey or Dwayne.

"Any idea of where he is?"


"There's something I can do though."


"A kind of connection."

"Why don't I have it?"

"I'll open the connection to you now." He got a blank look on his face for a second.

David: Can you here me?
David: Try using the connection.
Bailey: Yeah, I can, how's this going to help us find Dwayne and Michael?
David: Well I'm pretty sure they can here us now.
Bailey: How'd we know?
David: They'd say something.

"Where are we going now?"

"Cave. Hopefully we'll find Dwayne and Michael there."

Dwayne: We're all there.
David: Even Michael?
Paul: Even Michael.
Dwayne: You guys had better hurry.
David: What's going on?
Marko: Michael was attacked.

"We'd better go Bailey." We got on the bikes and drove off, not bothering to stay on the road.

We got to the cave before midnight. We ran inside and found Michael laying on the ground. The others were just lounging around. "What happened?"

"We found him in the streets, his chest was gouged open but  his heart wasn't hit."

"What got him?"

"We don't know."

"He still alive?"


David walked over and nudged Michael with his foot. He didn't move. Paul knelt down. "Michie! Bro you dead?" He didn't move or make a sound.

Marko bent down and felt the wound. "His blood is still pulsing. He is still a half vampire. Should we change him?"

"No, not now, we can't trust him. Let's just leave him here. It's time to go anyway."

We left the cave and mounted our bikes. David started his up at first as usual. He gave the other three a look. They didn't follow but went their separate ways. I was about to follow them but David called me back.

"Where are you going Bailey?"

"With the guys. Why?"

"I wanted hunt with you. Alone."

I grinned. "Really?"

"Why else would I send them away?"

"I thought you'd want to be alone."

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