2: The Truth

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I was thinking when the Lost Boys showed up. David was nineteen,  Dwayne was nineteen, Paul was eighteen, Marko was seventeen, Michael was eighteen.

They didn't seem old at all. There was no particular fashion but their clothes were fairly decent. They had been together for a long time. Except Michael. He seemed distant and quiet. Like he had no choice but to come along.

I didn't enjoy the concert as much as I should have. I kept looking around for the boys. I found them after the concert was over. I was walking home and they just appeared out of the darkness.



"Some kid was looking for you."

"Who?" His voice was strained.

"Sam, he was with the Frog Brothers. Said that you had been missing for about a month now."

Michael and David stopped. "Who was with the kid?" He said it so sharply it scared me.

"Some fifteen year old kids. We work in the same store." I starting walking. Marko and Paul stepped in front of me.

I stepped back. Michael seemed to be uncomfortable by the whole situation. He was about to step away. I could tell by the way he shifted. Clearly David noticed too. "Michael, come back."

David's voice was cold and dangerous when he said that. He was clearly the leader. I had guessed it before but I wasn't sure until now.

His voice softened to it's usual tone when he spoke to me. "Bailey, there's something we need to explain, could you come with us."

"Where are we going?"

"An old hotel over done by Hudson's Bluff."

"Isn't that the cliffs, with the steep drops into rocks and water. And might I add death?"

"That's the place."

"You guys are insane." I followed them anyway.

David pulled me onto the back of his motorcycle. He started the engine and the others also did. He pulled away and the others followed. I noticed Michael was falling behind. At one point he stopped all together and turned around.

We made it to the bluff with nothing happening. They led me down a long a path to a blocked off entrance. They moved them  aside and climbed through the hole. If it was a hotel it wasn't anymore. It looked like it caved in.

"This was the hottest resort in Santa Carla about eighty five years ago. To bad they built it on a fault. In 1906 when the big one hit San Francisco, the ground opened up, this place took a hit, fell right into the crack. And now, it's ours." 

It was a truly amazing place. High walls, light fires, tunnels, it seemed like a cool hang out.  "Marko, food." Marko left. I wondered what had happened to make him so obedient to David.

I sat down. I was unsure what to say. I pulled the fliers out and unfolded them. "Explain these." I said thrusting them at him. David tossed them aside. Paul picked them up and showed them to Dwayne. They seemed to think it was amusing about something.

"Bailey, we aren't what you call normal."

"Explain the fliers. And David, how did you know about this place? It seems pretty hidden. And you know when it was built."

"Because we." He said gesturing to him and the others. "Were there."

"Then you'd be ninety. You don't look ninety. Or act it." David stepped back whispering to Paul and Dwayne before he left. Paul followed him leaving me with Dwayne.

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