Chapter 29~ Bickering

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Pov Y/N

As you push your hair out of your face, you sigh and tilt your head to the side, while looking at the person that has just come to sit next to you. Because of all the stress that comes from your exams, the confusion about Malfoy and the awkwardness with Harry you were pretty much on the edge of a mental breakdown down all the time. That's why you had decided to go outside, just to stare at nothing. And guess who comes to sit next to you? That's right ladies and gentlemen.
'What are you doing here, Malfoy?'
'Oh wow, why the cold tone?'
You scoffed in disbelief. This man had really been throwing around the most confusing mixed signals, first being nice, then the opposite, just to ignore you afterwards, and then he just comes stopping by like this.
'The fact that you had to audacity to make that comment makes me wanna vomit.' you harshly snap. It's almost as if Malfoy looks truly hurt for a second, but anger almost immediately fills his eyes.
'You know, I came here to have a decent conversation. Why is this necessary?' It's clear he is trying to hide how offended he is.
'And I came here to decently relax. Guess the universe disappointed both of us, didn't it?' At this point you even refuse to look at him. You don't know why, but it hurts.
'Oh really?! You're going to play it like that huh?'
'Listen, why do you even want to talk to me at all?' you ask him, ignoring his previous comment.
'You would have known if you reacted politely, instead of whatever you're trying to get out of this conversation right now.'
'See that's the point, Malfoy. I'm not trying to get anything out of this conversation. I would love to see you leaving, actually.' you scoff.
'Merlin's beard, why can't you just talk to me for once?!'
'Says the one who's been ignoring me for the past month while insultingly cutting me off without any explanation at all.' you reply. It's silent for a second or two, but a smirk is climbing onto Malfoy's face.
'If you hate me so much, why are you so hurt about it huh?' He's probably expecting you to get all flustered right now or something. The prick.
'Because it's not something a decent human being does.'
'Ouch.' he jokes, but you can hear he is losing his patience very quickly at this point.
'I finally got through to you? Good.'
'Actually, Y/N, I'm the one that is trying to get through to you.'
'What for?'
'Are you going to listen to me?'
'No. And don't you ever call me Y/N again.'

Pov Blaise

'Yeah thanks a lot for your excellent advice, smartass. Our relationship is much better now.' Draco complains to me aggressively.
'Yeah well, it's kind of obvious she'd react like that. You could've seen it coming, man.'
'So why didn't you warn me then, mister "I knew it all along"?'
'Because I thought you'd just apologize to her instead of bickering.'
'Yeah it's kind of hard to stay nice when someone is literally taking every chance to take you down.'
'You do realise you've been bullying her and her friends for four years right?'
'Will. You. Stop. Reminding. Me. Of. That.'
'Doesn't change the fact it happened.'
'Yeah well, you participated too anyway. Plus, she was nice to me before. If she hates me because of the bullying she wouldn't have done so.'
'Have you ever even considered the fact that she's started to care about you and because of that she's even more hurt now?'
'No, Blaise, you don't understand. She doesn't, okay? I don't even know why I  thought I should confess to her. It would be a major scandal. I'm just going to apologise and try to get close to her. Confessing has no use right now.' He sighs.
'Sure, if that's what you want. Remember though, don't snarl back when she is making sarcastic or mean comments. She has the right to in this situation, you don't.'
'When did you start talking like an old wannabe wise man?'
'No idea.'

Pov Y/N

You grown.
'I can't believe he is like this! I mean, come on Hermione, does this boy even know the basics of socialising?'
you complain to your bestfriend.
'Honestly don't think so. He's a dick, forget about him.'
'That's the problem. Everytime I think about him I feel hurt but he's constantly on my mind, you know? And I can't hate him like I did before but on the other hand I hate him even more. What is going on with me?'
'Y/N.. You've started to get attached to Malfoy and now that he's let you down, you feel betrayed and sad.'
'No I haven't.'
'Yes you have.'
'No I h-'
'I'm not going to play this "yes no" game with you, Y/N. I'm right and you know I am.'
'Not gonna admit it though.'
'Fine, if you're going to be stubborn like that, let's search for a different topic to talk about.'
'Gladly.' you sigh. But while Hermione starts talking about how irresponsible the Weasley twins had been with their prank today, you can't seem to focus. You're constantly repeated her previous words. They couldn't be true, right? Malfoy didn't mean anything to you. Or you could at least hope so.

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