Chapter 2- Secret Weapon

Start from the beginning

"Ok home sweet home." Jenna says entering first along with the rest.

Once Gabriella took the first steps into the house she saw a homemade 'welcome home' banner right in front of her eyes, her heart swelled up in joy.

"Oh my god you guys-"

"SURPRISE!" both girls jumped out from their hiding spots and screamed their welcome.

"Hi" Gabby says breathlessly with a wide smile gracing her lips.

"Gabby. This is Bonnie Bennet and Caroline Forbes,my bests friends since we were like babies. Guys this is my cousin Gabriella Sokolov." Elena says wrapping her arm around Gabby making the introductions.

"Hi I-" Gabby was totally cut off by Caroline hugging her.

"I am so happy to see you! Urgh finally your here too and don't worry about beating new at school and everything I am the chair of Mystic falls high and will be by your side through the entire time your here. And I love you surname it means fast birds of prey in Russian right?" She bombards Gabriella.

"Thank you so much and yeah, it's my dads side that gave me that name." She laughs answering the eager girls questions.

"Sorry about Caroline here, she can be a little bit too enthusiastic sometimes. I am Bonnie hi Gabriella." Bonnie says hugging the girl.

" Hi Bonnie " Gabriella replies pulling out of the hug and touching Bonnies forearm as Thanks.

Suddenly she sees an older women with similar features as Bonnie standing over Gabriellas dead body chanting something which creates and instant fire with high-sky flames.

She immediately let's go if Bonnies hand and smiles to hide her fear.

"You ok?" Elena asks in concern.

"Yeah I am good! Guess the flight took a lot more out of me than I thought." She said at the same time her stomach made a massive noise.

She looked at everyone in embarrassment her cheeks now crimson red. Everyone just laughed in response making Gabriella very grateful.

"Come on kiddo let's get you some pizza." Jenna says chuckling.

Gabriella's POV

The party was amazing but after 5 whole hours of music chatting and getting to know each other I could feel my eyes limping together.

Thankfully Caroline saw that and took off with Bonnie but not before speaking to Elena about some 'school stuff'

The Jenna and Jeremy helped me get my bags up the stairs and showed me my new and pretty amazing room!

With a bathroom attached to it.

This was awesome.

The first thing I did when I was alone was strip off all of my clothes finding the nearest PJ I packed and bringing it with me to have a steam hot shower.

The hot water hit my tense and tired body with such relief and comfort that if it wasn't for the fact that my eyes were limping together almost every ten seconds I would have stayed in the shower the entire night.

The dream I had on the plane kept haunting me even more now. I don't know why but there was just something about it?

Something about that man in my dream, I felt like I knew him in some way, like I was attached to him.

And then the woman that I saw when I touched Bonnie, this was getting weirder by the second but it's probably all due to the lack of sleep deprivation.

Cutting off the water supply I placed a dry towel around my body and stepped out of the shower onto the fuzzy warm carpet.

Quickly pat drying my body I then applied a little lotion on my dry skin and put on my favourite PJs on.

Then made my way into my room and took out my small mirror on top of the stack of draws.

Glancing outside the window my view was beautiful, the lampposts lights illuminated the entire street. Glancing down to look at the parents from the sky, I gasped seeing a figure of a man who was looking directly at me with wild eyes.

However those eyes looked familiar and somehow I was not scare of them. But I was scared of the figure.

Blinking twice the figure wasn't there anymore.

"I really need some sleep." I said to myself.

Thinking that if I don't I will surely go more insane than I am now.

Pulling the duvet cover getting in between the sheets the moment my head hit the soft pillows i blacked out completely.

Elenas room.

"Ok Elena we need to talk." Caroline said niece Bonnie entered and closed the door to Elena room shut.

"About what ?" Elena asked casually sitting down on her bed.

"Gabby" Bonnie finished and started the answer for Caroline.

"What about Gabby?" Elena asked in an off tone.

"Elena we need to decide whether to tell her about all the supernatural jumbo that this town is filled with. I mean she could help us and we could tell her what to do if she saw a vampire or Damon." Caroline explained.

"Guys I know your worried about that and so was I but I don't want her knowing all of this on tops of keeping her scholarship up in the music programme and this whole Klaus business." Elena said gently.

"Actually Elena I don't think we have a choice. We have to tell her everything." Bonnie stated.

"Why Bonnie? Why put someone who's my family into any more danger or fear if I can keep them safe." Elena defended her reasons.

"Because I think that Gabby's the weapon that the witches were talking about." Bonnie explained.

"Wait what kind of weapon?" Caroline asked confused.

"The weapon to weaken Klaus to the point where I can kill him." Bonnie answer made all of the girl look at each other with big eyes and horror.

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