Before you Proceed

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Hello everyone...

Thank you bumping into my story XD

This is my first writing experiment so behold for any mistakes you may find.

I've always wanted to be a writer but never had the time nor the skill – unfortunately- to be one. But I've decided to give it a shot and start with my internship diaries which I accidently found a while back when I was rearranging my stuff. So I thought it would be a good opportunity to post them here on Wattpad and have the chance to read your thoughts and comments.

Criticism, of course, is welcome as long as it's constructive.

Ive published this story before 2 years ago under the name THE HARDSHIPS OF BEING AN INTERN but I had to take down for editing. Now its as good as new.

The journey you're about to take is a year long, filled with all kinds of emotions which I did express throughout my internship. I'm really proud of what I've become because of this fruitful period of time. I learned a lot from it and gained massive knowledge and great friends whom together we stuck with each other through good times as well as hard ones.

So fasten your seat belts and sit tight and embrace yourself for one hell of a journey...

Life of a Medical InternWhere stories live. Discover now