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"happiness does not
just have one

☆.·:*¨seven¨*:·. ☆

IN, OUT, IN, OUT. HIS heart was pumping along to the steady rhythm of his legs as he dodged over and between branches. He couldn't remember where or when he started running, but he knew that he couldn't stop. He could always push himself one second further, and another second after that, until he found all the seconds blurring together in a forgotten memory.

The woods were quiet that Sunday morning. The birds were silenced, the sun was trapped above the leaves, and the predators had long since left. It was just him, alone - or so he'd thought.

Noah had been to La Push only once in his life, meaning he did not recognise the treaty line. He hadn't realised he had come across the reservation until he heard footsteps behind him. His mind immediately assuming the worst, he turned around in the blink of an eye with his hands raised into fists.

"Woah there, hold it Rocky." The boy smirked. Noah could tell by his face that he was younger than him, but not by much. Two or three years at the most.

"Sorry." He scrunched up his eyebrows, lowering his wrists. He waited patiently for an introduction, and the boy finally got the hint. He walked forward, his hand outstretched.

"I'm Jacob Black." The teen had tanned skin and long, jet black hair, telling Noah that he was from the Reservation.

Noah hesitantly shook the boy's hand, "Noah Taylor."

"You're from Forks?" Jacob asked, looking Noah up and down.

"Yes, is that a problem?" He snarkily replied, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Woah - hold it, buddy. I don't mean anything bad by it." Jacob quickly defended himself, his hands raised in surrender. "I can just tell by your clothes. That and the fact that I've never seen you around here before."

Noah collected himself, shocked by his outburst. "Oh, yeah - that's cool. Sorry man, these past few weeks have been really..." He struggled to find the word.

"- Shit?" Jacob offered, his eyebrows raised and a slight smirk on his features.

"Absolute shit." Noah agreed, and suddenly the two boys found themselves chuckling.

"I know the feeling." Jacob smiled, "Hey, you don't happen to know anything about cars, do you?"

"Oh, um, I worked as a mechanic for a while. That taught me a thing or two, why?"

"I'm fixing up this old chevy, and the engine's a real piece of work. Care to give me a hand?" Noah wasn't sure what had him agreeing to help Jacob. He wanted to be left alone in his misery, but maybe it was the fact that Jacob didn't know about his relationship with Marilyn. Maybe it was the fact that the idea of working as a mechanic provided a comforting, yet terrifying resemblance to his old life.

His old life. A life where he would watch horror films and think nothing of the monsters beyond the screen. A life where he would avoid commitment and heartbreak and live for enjoyment. A life where he would go home to two parents, not one.

He shook all thoughts of nostalgia from his mind as he realised why he accepted Jacob's offer.

Noah Taylor simply needed a friend.


"Is she a nomad?"

The questions kept rolling in, each member of the Blackthorn coven having something to contribute. Marilyn did not even know their names yet, except for Grayson, and she was already under interrogation - scratch that. Grayson was the one under interrogation, as all of the questions flew straight over her head and to the man beside her.

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