Chapter 2 - Doc

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Baby - 17

Baby had not planned for his evening to turn out this way, he had just gotten home from school and was in the middle of cooking dinner for both him and joe whilst playing Bruno's classic lazy song. It hadn't been a bad day for him after school he even had time to stop by the records store to check out some new stuff.

around 10 pm joe had gone to bed , baby decided to finish off some of his homework when the call came from doc, at first baby just assumed that doc had a job for him so it was a surprise to hear docs voice which usually so calm and collected suddenly strained and out of breath, that it sent chills down his spine.

"baby it seems the chickens have eaten some bad seeds and need your unique skills immediately, I will send you directions meet me there."

doc promptly hung up leaving baby in worry.

whatever had happened it must be bad if docs asking him to use his skills, which have not been spoken about since the incident with darling last year.

Since then he had been asked by doc on very rare occasions to use his gifts, but while doc was curious he left it at that, he saw buddy and darling a lot more often than flint, but the three criminals didn't seem to treat baby any different, well darling had taken a shine to him and more often than not was always keen to talk and interact with him when they had jobs together, with buddy watching over the two with a steady gaze.

a matter of seconds later there was a buzz from the phone indicating a new message had come through.


Baby prepared to go and was out of the house minutes after the message was sent.

hilltop lane was roughly on the other side of town from baby's crappy apartment and with joes car in the garage getting its breaks checked that left baby no choice but to take the bus to doc's location.

Thankfully Atlanta had a bus system that ran till 11:30 so hopefully, he would be able to do his job then catch the last bus back to the apartment.

Baby pretended to not notice the look he received from the bus driver as he climbed up the ramp and held out money for a ticket, not that he could blame him.

a 17-year-old kid with no supervision getting on a bus at 10 pm at night in a dodgy neighbourhood known for its crime, doesn't exactly paint baby in a good light, (huh if only he knew.)

however baby just kept his head down. and earbuds in.

Once baby found a seat the bus had moved on again he was sat in front of an old lady with a shopping bag, little late to be shopping in baby's opinion but like always kept his thoughts to himself do some unknown reason all he could think about was the incident that happened when baby was 15.
(Flashback) baby -15

Maddie suffered from bad asthma, it caused her daily problems with her breathing. at the time all baby could think about was helping her by now understanding what abilities he had so one evening when he and Maddie were hanging out at a pizza shop baby leaned in to kiss Maddie, with the intention to cure her of her asthma attacks.

when Maddie asked baby why he kissed her considering baby never initiated a kiss, he simply told her he felt like it. baby was not about to spill his secret, the only person who knew right now was joe and he hoped to keep it that way.

for a while, baby thought he had succeeded however that hope was soon thrown out the window.

it was just a normal Wednesday afternoon and last period they were both in science together working on an experiment when a chemical reaction had caused Maddie's asthmas to kicked in and she had to be taken to the nurse's office.

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