"I followed you. But—" She paused, lifting a hand in the air. "—before you call me a stalker, I gotta clarify that it was because you scared me. I was in my room, trying to sleep, when I heard footsteps. And I thought 'who could possibly be roaming about at this hour?' So, I got up, followed the sound and got a glimpse of you walking out the front door. I figured you'd be coming here so I grabbed my robe and went outside as well. I imagined you'd like some company."

She started taking a step closer but he stood up immediately.

"Well, thanks for the thoughtful gesture but I'm done here so I'll return to my room."

"You just got here," she pointed out.

Simón left his guitar on top of the other sofa bed, paying no mind to her tone. "I just wanted to play a little to calm my head. And I did. Now I'm sleepy so I'm gonna go."

He walked past her towards the door, but before he could open it, she spoke up.

"I've been thinking about you too, you know?"

He froze in front of the exit, the hand that had been hanging over the handle coming back to his side.

"What are you talking about?"

"You said you came here to calm your head. I assume what happened last night hasn't let you sleep. It's the same for me."

She was so right that it infuriated him because he didn't want to be thinking about it, he didn't want to be feeling this way, he didn't want his life to get any more complicated and yet she kept pushing.

He turned around, facing her indignantly.

"Ámbar, my life doesn't revolve around you, okay? Maybe I'm still sad about Nico, maybe I'm worried about the future of our skating team, maybe I'm nostalgic about Mexico. There are a thousand other reasons why I could be restless, but of course you assume it's about you."

She narrowed her eyes. "Are you calling me self-centered?"

He pursed his lips and shrugged. "You said it, not me."

She scoffed and crossed her arms in front of her. "I can't believe you. I just found you playing one of my songs while looking all melancholic and you're gonna turn this on me?"

"I was just trying random chords, it was a coincidence—"

"Bullshit," she cut him off, not buying his nonchalant attitude.

Simón opened his mouth but then changed his mind and closed it.

"You know what, Ámbar? Think whatever you want." He turned towards the door once more.

"Sure, go ahead and run like you always do," he heard her say behind him. "You know what you are? A coward. A sad, sad, spineless guy."

He couldn't help but turn around. "Excuse me?"

Ámbar looked at him straight in the eye. "You heard me. It's clear that you want me but instead of facing it you find excuses to pull away. I don't even know why I bother with you. Just leave. Go on with your boring life."

He gave her a humorless laugh and walked closer, ticking off on his fingers. "Well, if you think that the fact that you're the enemy of the Roller team, the fact that we are very different people, the fact that you refuse to be a better person and the fact that you have a boyfriend are just excuses, then sure, I'm lame for staying away from you. But I actually would call it being smart."

She pointed a finger at him. "See? There you go again with that 'different people' and 'better person' monologue. And you call me self-centered." She rolled her eyes. "Go ahead, keep denying. I have no interest in being with someone as condescending as you."

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