... With a New Perspective

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I have no excuse as to why this took so long, I'm so sorry. For everyone still interested in this story: thank you very much. 


Ámbar was sitting at the dining table, sharing a dinner with everyone after another long day at the Jam & Roller. She couldn't remember exactly what she had done during the day. Probably the usual.

Her grandpa was telling a story about one of his golf games, something about how they couldn't find the ball. Everyone was listening with amusement and cackled up when he revealed its whereabouts. Ámbar looked to her left, smiling, but the seat next to her was empty. For some reason, Simón was the only one that wasn't there.

Ámbar excused herself from the table and stood to go look for him. She climbed upstairs and walked to her room, thinking he could be there. Indeed, she found him on her bed, sitting with his back to her.

"Here you are," she told him with a smile. "We missed you at dinner."

Simón stood and Ámbar walked to him, but she stopped in her tracks when he turned.

His eyes were red. Not only that, but his lashes were wet. Ámbar's smile vanished before his gaze, full of pain and ire. He looked... he looked just like that day.

"How could you?" He asked in a somber voice.

In his hand, he had Ámbar's phone. Some app was open but she couldn't see which one. All she knew was that he was clutching it so hard his knuckles were white.

Ámbar felt cold— the kind you could only feel when fear froze your veins and squeezed your lungs.

"What..." She expelled out in a brittle voice. "What did you see?"

"Everything," he spat, and his eyes blazed with contempt. "I was right. You're full of hate, you don't have a heart!"

Ámbar felt herself die.

"No, please, let me explain!" She begged, moving toward him.

Simón took a step back. "Explain?" He said in disbelief. "How could you possibly explain this?! You lied to me, Ámbar! Again! I gave you a chance and you lied to me again!"

She was shaking her head. Her hands trembled. "It wasn't like that! Please, listen to me, I didn't—!"

The door opened behind her. Ámbar turned and her eyes almost fell out of their sockets when she saw Sharon and Rey entering her room. The latter turned the key on the lock and put it in his suit's pocket.

"Wha— What are you doing here?!" Ámbar exclaimed with horror.

"You forced my hand, Ámbar," Sharon stated with severity, coming near in firm, measured steps. "I couldn't let you ruin all my plans."

"You were the one who let Sharon into the mansion?" Simón uttered in disbelief, bringing her attention back to him. "Ámbar, how could you?"

"I didn't!" She exclaimed desperately. "I told her to stay away!"

"And I told you not to tell him anything," Sharon said pointedly. "Now I have no choice." She looked over her shoulder. "Rey."

At her signal, Rey advanced toward Ámbar at the same time as she asked, "What do you mean?"

Rey's arms grasped her firmly, immobilizing her. Ámbar immediately thrashed, fighting against his hold, demanding he let her go, but all of it came to a stop when Sharon reached pulled a gun from inside her purse and aimed it straight at Simón's head.

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