... With New Beginnings

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Edited: 03/12/22. Old version: 7402 words. New version: 7617. 


Ámbar was so surprised that it took her a moment to react, but her lips moved against Simón's. It was more instinctual at first, then wanted, very wanted, because it was him, and his kisses were always something she longed for. This one wasn't deep or particularly hard but it made her head spin, only partly because of its suddenness. It was the intensity of it, the feeling of his hand on her cheek, his arm around her waist keeping her against his body. Her hands, which had landed on his shoulders when he pulled her towards him, slid up to his neck, relishing in this feeling of closeness. Vaguely, the sound of people whistling or yelling teasings things reached her ears, but she ignored them.

It was only seconds before Simón pulled away slowly, but it left her almost breathless, a little untethered. Their eyes opened and found each other at the same time. Her hands slid down to his chest and she could feel the hard beating of his heart, reflecting her own. After some seconds of just staring, Simón smiled, both bashful and amused, and cleared his throat, inching a little close.

"You gotta go to the stage," he reminded her in a whisper.

Ámbar blinked and shook her head, coming out of her daze. "Right." She had forgotten about that.

Separating herself from him, Ámbar climbed up the stage and faced the crowd. Immediately, she felt all the stares piercing her. She tried to ignore it and appear as natural as possible in her... just-got-hit-by-a-hurricane-and-I-don't-know-what's-happening state.

"Well, we're on the last presentation of the day, everyone! Representing the girl's team, give a loud round of applause for: Luna!"

The audience cheered as Luna walked onto the stage and Ámbar descended it. She looked at her table and quickly realized she wouldn't be able to go back to it: Emilia was throwing daggers at her with her eyes. Not like she really cared about what she thought— she was allowed whatever she wanted— but she really didn't want any confrontations during her Open Music, so she decided to stand by the side of the stage.

Luna moved in front of the mic and said hello to everyone with a cheerful smile on her face, which soon turned a little confused at the weird expressions that her friends had on their faces. Ámbar could guess by her demeanor that she hadn't seen the kiss from backstage, which was why she didn't understand why her friends looked a little disconcerted. They tried to hide it though, smiling at her, probably to not make her worry before the performance. Luna smiled back and, to Ámbar's surprise, she thanked her for making the Open Music and praised her in front of everyone.

Ámbar couldn't help but wonder if she would have done the same if she had seen.

"I hope we can all be friends again," Luna said with emotion in her voice before kneeling on the stage and starting to sing.

No te pido mucho

Te pido bastante

No te pido nada, solamente tu amor...

Ámbar wasn't sure if it was possible for everyone to be friends again. She wasn't sure if that was what she wanted either. But when she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see it was Simón, she found herself wishing it could be true.

Simón gestured with his head before moving behind the bar's wall, where all the couches were, out of sight. Ámbar sent one last glimpse at the crowd before following him. He was standing there waiting for her. They locked eyes when she stood in front of him, Luna's voice filling the air.

Roads That Cross...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt