... With Handwritings

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Quick note: in this universe Emma doesn't exist. Or she does, but she's in England. This is not because I hate her or anything (on the contrary, I quite liked her character) but because in this timeline her whole character would be useless. Ámbar really doesn't need more motivation to fight for Simón that she already has, so what would be the point of throwing Emma in here if she'd just be in the background doing nothing? skdfns

Anyway, that's that. Thank for reading this oneshot that somehow turned into a multichapter 😂 


Being the manager of the Roller was way more work than she thought it would be.

Technically she had the directors of Vidia to help her out, but in truth, she had mountains of paperwork to fill out on her own and some of them she didn't even understand. She got down to it, putting all her effort into doing it perfectly because she needed to prove that she could handle it, but it was turning out to be difficult.

Which sucked, not only because she was stressed out but because it had prevented her from talking to Simón since that morning.

And they really needed to talk.

Last night had been... something. Sure, it was out of impulse, but it had been great. Best night of her life, probably. The only problem? That they were found out right after, and, as always, Simón freaked out. Well, she freaked out too, it's not like she enjoyed being found covered only by a sheet and in a compromising position where there was no way to misinterpret the situation. But she knew how she felt, she knew what she wanted and she had gotten it... or so she thought, because he didn't seem so convinced.

All that time telling Emilia she wasn't going to fall for Simón... it was so laughable because she never fell out of love with him. And she tried, believe her, she tried. But it was like he could disarm her with just one look. One smile.

Lately, he didn't smile at her that often.

She knew Emilia thought he was a loser, but she didn't think so. Half the things she had spat at him the previous day she didn't mean them. Okay, maybe sometimes she did think he was a coward, but she knew that he didn't believe he was better than her. Simón wasn't the kind of person that thought he was better than anyone; Benicio was.

Oh, Benicio.

She did kind of feel bad for him. A little. He acted like he just wanted to be with her to have a partner in crime and because she was beautiful though, so it'd probably only be a blow for his ego, but still. Kissing someone else would've been one thing, but having totally mind-blowing sex with said person? That was something else entirely.

But what she had told Simón was true: she never said anything about dating. She liked letting Benicio say that in front of Simón because she expected to get a reaction out of him, but it was never her intention to date him seriously. She even told him plenty of times that he shouldn't get confused, that she knew what she wanted and it wasn't him.

She shouldn't have used him like that, that was her bad.

Anyway, there was no point in crying over something she couldn't change— what was done was done. What she could change was what would come after... and that was why she needed to talk to Simón. She needed to let him know what it had meant to her, what he meant for her because she didn't have the strength to deny it anymore.

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