... with a Return

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June came along with the fall of rain.

The clouded sky tinted everything in a greyish hue as Ámbar walked out of the front door with Simón by her side. He was wearing one of his beanies due to the cold, a blue one that matched his jacket as he raised her black umbrella over both their heads. They had considered using one umbrella each but eventually decided against it since they'd be walking close to each other and thus probably just collide anyway. Simón had been quick to offer to hold the umbrella since he was the taller one, inviting her under it with a playful "Milady" and everything, his smile as sweet as ever as they walked.

Ámbar smiled too and moved close to his side to fend off the cold and the water, simultaneously pushing down the urge to cry because he was so sweet, and treated her so well, and trusted her completely, while she...

She was going to have to try to change her godmother's mind much harder. This couldn't go on like this.

The previous morning had been a close call. Or, at least, it had felt like one to her. Clearly, she no longer had her godmother saved as 'Sharon' on her cellphone, not since she contacted her that first time and asked for secrecy. She used to have her as 'S', but still considered that too obvious, so she'd changed it since the last time she saw her to her newest fake identity: 'Vanessa.'

'Vanessa' was not incriminating. No one could link 'Vanessa' to Sharon. But when she'd seen Simón holding her phone, Ámbar just panicked. Maybe it was remnants from her nightmare that made her snatch the phone from his hand as quickly as she did. It hadn't even been Sharon calling her that time— But what if it had been? What if Simón had asked her who 'Vanessa' was? What could she have said? He knew that Vidia's executives were a bunch of men— She'd complained about that. She would've had to make up a story, and god damn it, she was so sick of lying...

Then tell him, her brain offered. Tell them all. Give Sharon away. You're mad at her anyway. She's mean to you anyway. What's holding you back?

She flashed back to the mansion's living room, the cushions of the couch underneath her, Mónica by her side.

'You love her.'

"My love?"

Ámbar raised her head, meeting Simón's eyes.

"Something wrong?"

'There's something you're not telling me?'

Ámbar smiled slightly and shook her head. "No, just a little cold."

I promise I'll tell you someday. Someday, I'll make everything right. Someday, none of this will matter. Someday, I'll never lie to you again.

Simón just put his arm around her as they walked.

Someday, I hope you'll forgive me.


The inside of the Roller was blissfully warm from the heating system. The rain had also waned throughout the morning, leaving a kinder drizzle in its place. Ámbar hoped it was gone completely by the time they took their lunch break. It wasn't like rain would interfere with her plans though.

At some point, Ramiro came to say hi to her. He sat on the chair across from her at her table and they did some small talk. Then he just sat there in silence for a bit. It caught Ámbar's attention, but she didn't mind the company. She occupied her time calculating some profits, until, finally, his voice came out again.

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