Party from Hell - Chp 5

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We pull into Katie's driveway and there are cars everywhere. Great, people.. drunk people, my favorite. Atleast I'm here with this beautiful hunk of man. Speaking of, how did we get here.
"How'd you know where to go?" I ask him after he cuts the bikes engine off.

"I'm familiar with the area and recognized the road name Monica told me."

"Oh ok." I say and get off the bike, running my fingers through my hair that I'm sure is a complete mess now.

"Stop it looks good like that.." Hagen says taking my hand so I can't brush out my hair anymore. I smile at him and look down at our fingers that are now intertwined, it feels so right to hold his hand.

I hear my jeep pull up, Sam and Monica jump out making a beeline for the door, dragging Trent along as they go. Hagen chuckles beside me. "They like to party" I say with a sigh, thats one thing we don't have incommon, I'm not much of a partier usually.

As Hagen and I make our way to the front door I notice someone I really don't want to see hanging out with his friends in the front yard, Jason. He's my ex-boyfriend and he's a complete douche.

"Well, well first day down here and Brenna's already got some thug between her legs. Is that what it takes now? Some roid raging pussy to get you off?" Jason says as we walk by. I tense up, squeezing Hagen's hand, that asshole really ticks me off running his mouth.

Hagen feels me tense up and stops, slowly turning to face Jason and his goons. I see a vein start popping out of his neck and his fists ball up, wow is he really about to defend my honor? "He's not worth it." I say putting my hand on Hagen's arm to try and calm him down before he pummels Jason. He gives me a look that says 'you sure?' and I nod my head. I learned a long time ago not to even waste my time with Jason's stupid ass.

"Don't bother dude, she's a boring ass lay!" Jason shouts as we start to walk away. My cheeks turn red with a mix of anger and embarassment, why can't he just leave me alone. Hagen see's my face and shouts over his shoulder, "she's been a pretty freaky fuck so far! Maybe it was you!" It takes all I have to not start dying laughing at the look on Jason's face when he says that, serves him right. I can't believe Hagen said that though, now everyones going to think I'm sleeping with this guy.

We finally make it in the house and go to find Sam, Monica and Trent. Finding them by the pool, Hagen texts Dylan telling him to come find us when he gets here. About 15 minutes later a tall blonde guy walks over to us, must be Dylan. Hagen introduces him to all of us, Monica seems to like him already, which is good cause Sam and Trent seem to be into each other also. We sit around the pool talking to them for a while and I decide I need to go to the bathroom so I excuse myself. Hagen looks like he doesn't want to let me go by myself but he does anyways.

I shove through the crowd of people and make it to the bathroom. I pee and wash my hands, checking myself out in the mirror, my hair looks crazy but oh well. On my way back through the house my other ex, Seth, spots me and starts making his way over, shit.

I look through the glass door to outside hoping Hagen or one of the girls will see me but none of them are looking. Then I feel an arm go around my shoulders, eww. Seth doesn't know how to take no for an answer, he still wants me and he likes to get drunk and try to force me to be with him. I jerk away from his arm, "get off me Seth!"

"Come on babe, you know you've missed me."

"Leave me the fuck alone you creep." I say trying to get away from him but there are too many people.

I feel his hand on the back of my thigh, trying to slide it up my shorts. "Let me feel that pussy, Bren, you know I used to make you feel good."

At the feel of his hands on me and the sound of those words, I feel like I'm gonna vomit. I spin around facing him and rare back before I slap him in the face as hard as I can.

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