Simply Meant to Be: Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Laila Irving was by far the sluttiest girl in the graduating class. I was surprised she hadn't gotten pregnant throughout highscool. I hated her personally because we had history. My entire life she antagonized me, and just until I learned to defend myself did I ever let her get away with it. In fifth grade I cut off her pigtail because she said my Mother's Day project had too much glitter. The only reason she crossed my mind recently was because the second semester had begun, and she was in my business class. As if she would ever get into business. Maybe business on the streets.

The bigger issue was she was really good friends with Molly. Luke's Molly.


"Emmett, I really have to talk to you." Kate said desperately.

"Yeah, okay, what's up?" I asked worriedly.

"Laila's been talking. About you." Kate said gently.

"What did that glory hole say?" I said, trying to be subtle.

"She says Luke's little brother yelled at Molly about how she was replacing you in Luke's life, and that John no longer wanted Molly in their life, and blah, blah, blah. Molly was really upset, and she told Laila, and now Laila is telling everyone that you're in love with Luke."

"This is horrible. Did she talk to Luke?" I said. I wanted to cry, and kill Laila at the same time.

"I don't know but chances are he knows since his brother was the one who yelled at her. But is it true? Are you in love with Luke?"

"No!" I yelled immediately. I know I shouldn't have taken out my rage on Kate but I needed to talk to John, and especially to Molly.


After school, I raced to Luke's house before he would get home. I knocked on their door impatiently. Finally, his mom answered,

"Hey Emmett! How's it going?"

"Hey Ms. Novek, is Luke home?" I said.

"No, no he's not. Baseball season just started so he's there." She said.

"Can I talk to Johnny?" My desperation grew.

"Yeah, I guess, he's in his room." Ms. Novek said flustered. I ran upstairs to John's room. He played with some action figures until he saw me.

"Emmett!" John jumped up and hugged me.

"Hey Johnny!"

"You really did come just to see me." John smiled.

"I did. It's very important too." I sighed.

"What happened?"

"I heard you yelled at Molly, and well, that's not really okay because it's not Molly's fault that Luke is hanging out with her more than me." I said.

"Well, I was only trying to help." He pouted.

"I know! That's what makes you so sweet!" I said. If only he had been a little older I could date John instead.

"I thought that's what we wanted."

"Not really. If Luke doesn't want to talk to me, well, I guess that's his problem. It bums me out, but there's nothing we can do. Now, I think I'm in trouble at school." I said.

"I'm sorry, Emmett." John looked sad, "I didn't mean to get you in trouble."

"Nah, it's okay. Don't worry about it. It was bound to happen eventually." I said. "I didn't just come here to bum you out, let's play."


"Yeah of course, but just until Luke comes home, speaking of which, don't tell him I was here, okay?" I said.

"Deal." John held out his pinky. I met it, and smiled.


"Ms. Novek, can I ask a huge favor of you?" I said shyly.

"Emmett, are you kidding, of course, you're family." She replied happily.

"Could do me the favor of not letting Luke know I was here? It'd mean a lot to me."

"Uh, yeah, sure of course, sweetie." Ms. Novek pulled me in for a hug, "And if you ever need anything else, I'm here."

"You're a saint." I gave her a quick squeeze. I had to leave as soon as possible before Luke got home since I'm pretty he didn't want to talk to me.

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