Simply Meant to Be: Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Elise was pretty. Obviously, she took care of her ebony hair because everyday it looked like the hair in haircare commercials. It was long and beautiful. It swished side to side when he walked. Her pale skin glowed, and was absolutely flawless. The most radiant complexion ever imaginable. Not a single imperfection. She was Snow White.

"Hey, Elise, can I talk to you?" I said. Elise turned, and smiled,

"What did you need?" She said.

"So there's this boy who has a little crush on you, think you might be interested?"

"Depends on who, I guess," Elise laughed.

"That new kid, Luke," I said.

"Hmm," She grinned, "He's really cute, I don't know, what do you think?"

"I don't know!" I laughed. She pushed me lightly.

"Alright, tell him he can safely approach me at anytime," She teased, "I think it's sweet that he doesn't want to approach me."

"Yeah, whatever," I scoffed. She rolled her eyes, and hugged me goodbye.


"Really? That's so awesome. Should I ask her out?" Luke said eagerly.

"Well, I thought that was the purpose of me telling her you were interested," I said.

"You're a real smart ass, you know?" He said.

"I guess," I shrugged.

"What do you think, a movie, or dinner?"

"I'm not your relationship consultant. I'm your messenger, apparently," I sighed.

"Whatever. Give me your number so I can text you after it's over," He gave me his phone. I looked at him, then the phone, then typed in my phone number. I handed it back to him. He grinned, then called it.

"Why are you calling me?" I frowned.

"To make sure it isn't fake," Luke smiled. My phone started ringing so I picked it up, and hung up. He patted me on the back, then started down the hallway.

"I hope this back-patting isn't a thing," I yelled to him. He turned and winked.


Okay, so I had a teeny-tiny crush on him. I mean, he was cute, and kind of sweet, and funny, but I knew it would go away. It helped that I set him up with Elise honestly.

I took a shower, and like always, sat on my bed, face glued to my laptop. As I was scrolling down the blog with some pretty boys, my phone started to ring. I picked it up.


"Hey man," Luke said.

"Oh, hey."

"Hey, calm down there. Don't be so enthusiastic," He chuckled.

"Sorry I'm not crying tears of joy to hear you."

"Anyway asshole, what were you doing?"

"Just some me-time," I said as I adored the beautiful men.

"Oh sorry, were you shaking the creamer?" Luke asked.

"I'm hanging up," I groaned.

"Oh shut up, you know you do it. I do it."

"I didn't need that image in my mind honestly," I didn't mind it either.

"I just wanted to tell you how my date went," Luke laughed.

"Yeah? How'd Elise look?" I asked.

"She looked really pretty. She didn't really have to do much," Luke said.

"What did you guys do?"

"Dinner, and a movie. Of course, I paid for both," He said, obviously proud of himself.

"What a gentleman," I said teasingly.

"Hey, let me take you out, I'd charm your pants off."

"You're not my type," I teased again.

"But seriously, let me thank you," He said.

"How, exactly?"

"We should go see a movie or something," He said.

"You want to thank me with a date?"

"No," Luke cracked up, "I mean, uh..."

He was right. He really was charming. It was annoying.

"I want to hang out with you. I think you're cool. Why are you so difficult?" He said.

"I agree with that," I said.

"What? You'll hang out with me?"

"Not that, I agree that I'm cool. I think that's accurate," I laughed.

"You're such a bitch," He hissed, "I'm gonna go jack off."

"Oh my god, ew,"bI said.

"I'm kidding," Luke laughed even harder, "A little bit."

I hung up the phone, and continued to blog. He got more sweet and charming by the second. I was very annoyed.

"Who was that?" My mom yelled from her room.

"Were you eavesdropping?" I yelled back.

"Er, I'm busy, momma bear can't talk." She answered. I laughed, and continued my 'hectic' activities.

Simply Meant to BeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora