Simply Meant to Be: Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Molly. That's all he talked about. Was I happy that he was happy? Unfortunately. I wanted him to be happy with me though. Molly was a sweet girl, I still didn't care too much for her. But apparently she really wanted me to like her.

"Please, Em." Luke begged, "I really want you guys to be friends, and she really likes you."

"It's not that I don't like her,"

I don't.

"It's just, I don't know her!"

Or want to.

"And I think it'd be awkward."

Because I'm utterly, 100%, head-over-heels in love with you.

"Please. Just this once. That's all it takes to like her." Luke smiled cutely.

"Ugh. You're so annoying." I groaned, "Fine!"

"Yay, thank you so much!" Luke hugged me tightly. I pushed him away, and glared.

"But I'm picking the movie." I said. Luke pouted.


Molly pulled into my driveway, and not soon after my phone buzzed,

"Here. (:" It read. I rolled my eyes, and yelled for my mother,

"I'm off, mother."

"Have fun with the obstacle." My mom yelled back. She called Molly the obstacle because my mom really wanted me and Luke to be together. Me and her both.

"Hi Emmett." She smiled sweetly, as I got into her car.

"Hi Molly." I fake smiled back. We drove along as she asked me awkward small talk questions. Not intentionally I gave her one worded answers. Finally, we arrived at the restaurant, and got a table. We sat, and began talking some more.

"I really want you to like me Emmett because I really like Luke, and you're all he talks about." Molly smiled.

"Really?" I blushed.

"Are you kidding?" Molly laughed, "He will not shut up. I swear he's in love with you."

Shut up, Molly.

I fake laughed enough for her to think I was genuinely having a good time.

"I'm glad we did this." I said. Molly looked relieved.

"Yeah, me too!" She laughed again. I felt like she only laughed to cope with how awkward it was to eat with someone she barely knew.

I felt bad for being kind of rude to Molly, so later that month I apologized to her, and we actually became decent friends. Whenever I would hang out with Luke, Molly was there. She was nice and all and I didn't hate her anymore (I know, I lied) but sometimes I just wanted to hang out with Luke. Usually it turned out to be just me and Luke's little brother, John, hanging out.

"I don't really like Molly." John said, obviously trying to console me.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"She's boring. She's not as fun as you, and because of her you've been coming around less and less." John said.

"Well, thanks. And sorry, I'll try to come around more. Maybe even just for you." I said. John smiled, and hugged me. When he pulled away, he had a worried look on his face.

"Do you think Luke is gonna play that important persons game with Molly?"

My heart sunk when I remembered what he was talking about.

"I think that's his call." I swallowed.

"Would that mean he's replacing you in the important persons game?" John asked, even more worried. I laughed at his excitement, and was flattered that he was on my side.

"I hope not, but if he does, well, there's no much I can do." I sighed.

"Wow, this important persons game, and sex have a lot in common." John sighed with me. I jumped at his words.

"What? You know about sex?" I said.

"Well, yeah. These kids in my second grade class do it all the time." John said innocently. I was officially afraid for the future generations.

"Well, promise you won't tell your brother, but yeah, that's what we were doing." I said.

"Why can't my brother know when he's the one who did it with you?" John asked. Hearing it from a child made me even more ashamed about it than I should have been. "I thought you were supposed to only do sex with people you loved?"

"Well, I love Luke, but I don't know if he loves me." I said.

"When he lied to me about the important persons game, he told you need someone important to you, right?" John said happily.


"Well, that means you're at least important to him! Maybe he means he loves you!" John jumped.

"You're a really smart kid, you know?" I laughed.

"Thanks!" John grinned just like Luke. I could tell he would be just as handsome as his brother when he grew up, and definitely just as charming.

"I have to go, John. I think I'll see you tomorrow." I ruffled his messy brown hair. It looked just like Luke's.

"Okay, bye, Emmett!"

I walked out of Johns room, and downstairs. I ran into Luke, and Molly while I was heading towards the door.

"Were you in my brothers room?" Luke asked, confused.

"Yeah. He wanted to play with me, and I wasn't doing anything." I said passive aggressively. "I'm gonna head out."

"Oh, we were just gonna go see a movie, why don't you come?" Luke asked.

"Come on, I'll pay for your ticket, you're coming." Molly said sweetly.

"I hate to turn you guys down, but my mom has to go in the city, and I promised I would go with her, I'm already late." I lied. Both of their faces looked bummed, Luke's more than Molly's. It's not like they cared if I went or not, so I didn't feel bad.

"I'm so sorry, guys," I slipped on my shoes, "Maybe next time."

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