Simply Meant to Be: Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

It became summer pretty soon. A few days into summer vacation, Kate broke up with Luke. Luke was angry, and wanted to get drunk with me. I told him I wouldn't drink but I'd take care of him. I pulled up into his driveway to see him only wearing board shorts. He was sitting on his patio sulking.

"How ya doing, champ?" I pulled my sunglasses off and put them on my shirt.

"Fine, I guess," Luke groaned, "I hate girls, you know."

"Yeah, that's okay,"

"I'm not dating anymore," Luke got up and lead me inside.

"I hate going trough this, and I'm just so, frustrated." He continued.

"I gu-" I started,

"Sexually!" Luke yelled, "I'm so sexually frustrated. I humped my bed!"

"Your bed? The one I'm sitting on?" I grimaced, and got up. He chuckled.

"Yeah, don't sit there,"

"Anyway, I think you're going through a breakup again, and you should think before you do anything," I said.

"I don't need girls. I have you," Luke said.

"What do you mean?" I blushed.

"I don't need anyone. Just my best friend," He punched me playfully.



Drinks were poured, and we got more and more drunk. We watched movies until midnight. Luke sat inches away from me, sitting awkwardly.

"I want to sit next to you," He whispered. I nodded. He inched closer. Luke lazily let his head lean on mine. I leaned mine of his. Then he turned to me and whispered,

"You know people say stuff about you, because they think you're different,"

"I don't care what they think," I smiled.

"I don't like hearing it. So I yell at people who say that stuff," Luke said. His face inched closer to mine. His lips hovered over mine almost touching but not yet. Our breath got hotter.

"I love you," Luke said.

"I love you too," I said without hesitation. Luke smiled, and laid on top of me. He slide up my body, and pressed his bare chest onto mine. He rubbed himself against my crotch. I grew hot, and panted harder than before. I realized what was happening, and pushed him off.

"This can't happen," I said.

"Why not?" Luke smiled warmly, "It's nice."

"But we're drunk!" I said. Luke wrapped an arm around me. He looked down at me and said,

"I know I want to do this," Luke said, "The only thing stopping me was that, before you were drunk."

"What do you mean?" I said, completely infatuated with his touch, his voice, with him.

"Your soft skin. Your beautiful legs," Luke picked me up, and sat me down. He ran his hands up my leg, and pulled my pants down, "Your beautiful face. Those bright green eyes. Do you think I just say there until you woke up, without thinking I have to take him on my bed right now?"


"I want you so bad, Emmett."

Luke threw my pants aside, and kissed my upper cheek. He leaned in close to my face. Slowly, his lips inched closer to mine,

"Your pink lips," Luke said into them. I swallowed.

"Okay," I said. As soon as I said that, Luke pressed his lips against mine. His lips were like silk. Lightly, but ever so passionately pressing themselves into mine. Luke deepened the kiss and slipped his tongue into my mouth. I closed my eyes, and let him kiss me. His tongue wrestled mine. He swirled and swirled around my tongue. I felt as if we were levitating into the sky. We could be in the middle of a war, and still nothing would get me to stop kissing me. Finally, I ended the kiss. A thin trail of saliva was left. It fell down his chin. I looked at him, mesmerized for giving me the best kiss I could ever receive.

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