2- Hulk vs Batman

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2 Hulk VS Batman

Sebastian's eyes round in a sign of shock. He pauses for a few seconds. "Wh-What?!" he finally says in disbelief.

"For the sake of all these years that we've been friends and coworkers, I wanted to fire you in private, but you just couldn't let it happen, could you?" Smith says calmly.

"For false accusations, you want to fire your friend?!"

"You're not even sober now to have a normal conversation with me."

"I'm sober!"

"Yeah, I can smell the sobriety on you."

"It's from last night! I had a couple of drinks. And it's irrelevant now!"

"I don't want to argue with you. We're done here."

"No. We're not done! You can't fire me over some lies!"

"I'm not an idiot. I can see and hear. Your team knows what you do, and they report to me."

"My team?" Sebastian asks, and the blood boils in his veins.

He storms out of the office. Everyone gets tensed as they watch him walk like an angry bear. He enters the section and stands in front of us.

"Which one of you brats told Smith that I steal the clients?" His voice is loud. Nobody talks.

"You don't have the guts to come out, do you?" He comes closer to one of my coworkers. "Was it you, Emily?" he asks.

She shakes her head repeatedly. He gets closer to Miguel.

"Was it you, Miguel?" he gets his tone lower when Miguel raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms. "Unbelievable. I've worked so many hours day and night. I saved your ungrateful asses more than a hundred times. You snitch? Fuck you! I'm Banner! I'm the Batman!"

I shake my head. "You mean Hulk?"

He turns around to face me. "What?"

"Would you calm down? Let's talk at your office."

He approaches me with furrowed brows. "Was it you, Mia?"

"Sebastian, come on."

"She said something this morning," Sara says, and everyone looks at her.

"What?" Sebastian asks.

"She said you're not here anymore. Maybe that provoked Smith," she says.

Sebastian turns to me again. "Really?!"

"I did not say that he should fire you!" I try to defend my action.

"You said he should say something to Sebastian for not being here," Sara says.

"Thank you for having a photographic memory, Sara!" I say with a frown.

"Oh, my God! You, sneaky little bitch!" Sebastian says to me.

"Would you calm down?!" I say.

"You're the head of the animators, but you thought it wasn't enough, and you needed a promotion. So you became a brat and talked shit behind my back." With the last word, a little spit comes out of his mouth and sits on my face. "How could I not see this coming?"

I wipe my cheek, feeling disgusted. "I did not," I say, barely containing myself.

"No one likes you here. If there's anyone suitable for being a manager, it's her." He points his finger at Sara and smirks. "You'll never be the manager," he says, facing me, and then walks to his office.

Everyone gets back to their job. I stand still in the middle, thinking about everything Sebastian just said.

A couple of hours pass. I'm only waiting for the clock to show five so I can leave.

"It's okay, Mia. Everyone knows how hard you work here," Emily says, sitting by my desk.

"I don't know—" I stop mid-sentence when Emily sneezes, and something touches my desk. "Are you sick?" I ask.

"Yes. Very much," Emily says, putting a strand of her hair behind her ear.

I grab a tissue and wipe my desk without throwing up. "Take the day off, please," I say, feeling like puking my guts out.

She nods. "Call me if you need anything," she points at her desk full of wet tissues.

I wave her off and continue working; Not working. I'm making an animation of Sebastian. He turns into Hulk and yells at me. When his saliva hits my face, I turn into Batman and show him my middle finger. Because He NEVER WAS BATMAN.

I clench my teeth. My muscles are tense again. I pull my drawer out and grab the squishy ball my therapist suggested playing with whenever the nervous signs were resurfacing again. I don't see the point, but it's better than having a panic attack.

Sebastian thinks Smith fired him because of what I said. I've been cleaning up after Sebastian's mess for too long. Smith hasn't even realized that.

The clock on my PC shows eight pm. I look up from my desk to my surroundings and see everybody is already gone. I lost track of time.

I forgot something in Sebastian's office. Assuming there's no one in his office, I open the door and enter, but I should have knocked.

Sebastian is deep inside Sara. So deep it's going to come out of her mouth. Why is he still here? Why didn't I hear them doing it? He looks at me with a blank expression. Then it changes to shock instantly. He pulls out in embarrassment. I'm still standing here like an idiot, looking at his penis, unable to move. Oh, God, my eyes!

"Oh... Oh, my God! I'm so... I'm..." My words come out as a stutter, and finally, my brain orders me to leave the office.

Walking away, I steady myself with something close to me as I gag. The touch of something wet hits me. Glancing down at the desk, I notice all the wet tissues.

"Emily," reads the tag on her desk.

Everything I ate today rises in my throat, and I vomit in Emily's trashcan. Sara and Sebastian are still in the office. Grabbing my bag, I make my way to the exit. Before leaving, I ask the janitor to clean up the trashes.

"Are you coming to the party tomorrow night?" Isla asks me on the line now that I'm lying on my couch watching Big Bang Theory. Sitcom helps to heal the damage of today.

I switch the cell phone to my other hand. "What party is that?"

"It's Smith's party! Come on! I wanna see his big ass house! And the food is going to be awesome."

"Isla, I had an awful day. I don't know if I want to be in a crowd after the things Sebastian said about me," I say, hoping she understands.

"You're a wee bitch, Mia."

"Thanks for putting wee before 'bitch', but I have nothing to wear!"

"I'm picking you up tomorrow! I don't care."

The night of the party comes. My closet looks shrunk. The unworn black cocktail dress that matches my hair color winks at me. I pick it up and squeeze myself into it. To give myself a little color, I wear red lipstick, tap the blush on my cheeks, and then the highlighter on my cheekbones.

Isla knocks on the door. "Let's go," I say and walk out the door.

She has gathered her hair into a ponytail. Her green dress with an orange shawl around her neck looks stunning. She knows how to dress up outside of work hours.

"I love your dress," I say.

"I hate your hair, though," she says with a pout.

I touch the back of my hair, which I have pulled into a bun. "What? Why?"

She reaches out and loosens my bun. "It's better now. Let's go."

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