Chapter 21- Cella

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I excused myself from the room with the elders, they nodded and said they would start issuing orders for the mobilization of tomorrow. I walked towards my room and begun preparations for my speech and the possible catastrophe Ashan has predicted. 

"People of Remnant. We are Lights Oath, here to protect you from a greater darkness; the abyss." I began writing, but I scrapped that idea, it's too cheesy and seems as if it's from an old 90s movie. I chuckled, I did miss watching those movies back home. My mood saddened, how long have I been here? A couple of months I guess, it doesn't seem like a whole lot but it holds its toll. I miss my mother greatly, who knows what kind of pain she's in from my disappearance, first her husband then her only son. Must be a family thing for the men to disappear; I chuckle. I go back to writing to take my mind off the subject, no need to dwell in the past; I know where that takes me, and apparently, it transports me to another universe. 

A couple of hours pass by and already the trashcan is full of scrapped speech ideas. I hear a knock on my door and I yell to enter. Dan walks in and pardons himself for the intrusion. "How are you doing commander?" 

"Fine...just can't think of a proper way to announce ourselves to the world. No subtly way of saying 'Hey, guess what? We exist! Also, there's an even greater foe than the Grimm and we've been fighting them an keeping them at bay, but don't you worry! We got this!' It's difficult." 

He laughs. "I understand. The whole movement to either announce ourselves or not has been a battle within Lights Oath since I was a child. My father was for it, and we almost convinced the Commander to do it. Before he could, both the Commander and my father were killed in action during an assault on one of the biggest rifts we have ever seen. The company came back with only half of its power remaining, casualties claimed that there had been a new BN, something so large that it could tear in half the DMB. They were lucky that the commander was there to take it on. The Commander before your father was the one who sacrificed himself to seal it away. Anywho, enough with my mindless rambling. If I could make a suggestion, I believe I should be the one to give the speech, act as 'Acting Commander' while you still train at Beacon." 

"Why do you say that?" 

"To be honest sir, I went and talked with the RSM and her seniors, they believe that instead of enacting a new commander, with minimal combat experience and knowledge as to how Lights Oath is run, but instead have you finish your training at Beacon while also doing some training here, and let the elders, Regulas and myself run Lights Oath. Until we believe you are ready. We will still have you run missions and operations with us, and allow you to put in your input and suggestions. If that is alright with you sir."

"Do the elders know?" 

"Yes sir, they seemed hesitant at first but agreed as well. They apologized for being too hasty and not thinking clearly. But they do agree with you training at beacon and here." 

"Then I will have to agree with it being for the best. So Dan, if you are going to hold the role of acting Commander, then will you prepare a speech for the reveal of Lights Oath?"

"Already working on it sir."

"Before I send you away, I would like to be on the front lines for if any sort of incident happens during the festival, I believe I should tell you that I had. . . let's say a vision of a possible catastrophe happening soon, and my gut is telling me it will happen during the festival." 

"Interesting......" Dan says "How big are we talking? A whole city levelled size or a small gang of ruffians?" 

You simply raise your shoulders up in a confused movement. Dan simply nods in response. 

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