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So this is what it came down too. Me. Sat alone in my old armchair, a crackling fire blazing beside me as I drank scotch from one of my favourite glasses. I'd brought this particular orniment back in 1920 when me and Rebekah were out festering within the parties and feasting on whomever we felt. The alcohol burned my stomach, but this physical hurt was nothing compared to what I was expierencing on the inside. For once in my life, I was emotionally stung. It was all because of her. It was my fault. If I wouldn't have gone to Mystic Falls in the first place, I would've never fell in love with her.

There I was yet again, stood in the hallway, blood plastered on my hands and clothes as Caroline was ripped away from my grip. I stood senseless, broken, silent. The doctors, the smell of antibacteria and death wafted around me. A nurse pulled on my arm, "please sir, I need you to come with me." In that moment I wanted to turn and snap her neck for interrupting my moment of pure human intention but I stayed frozen. Caroline would no longer walk beside me, that hurt the most. I would never see her beautiful smile, her sarcastic yet fun attitude, smell her hair again.

I snapped out of my daze and the glass crunched in my hand below. I still couldn't believe she was gone. Why didn't I save her? Why didn't I do something? Anything. Fear. For once in my life I admitted I was afraid. I should've left her out of my life, but Mikael knew me too well. He went after what I loved, and cut it straight to the point. Caroline Forbes. A woman of grace, beauty and love never wanted the vampire life, even when I had offered it to her.

"Caroline. I have never met anyone of such genuine ability before you. I do not care if you do not wish to be as I am. I will love you, through growth and through old age. I will support you until death do us part, and shall never let anything hurt you." I whispered as I held her. She had been crying because she loved me too. But she didn't wish to become a monster, but she knew she'd out age me. I didn't realise that the next day would be our last.

I'd set it all up, ready for her. The roses on the bed, the cliché letter and tiny black box tucked neatly beneath a gorgeous blanket of velvet she would soon find. That night was ruined as Mikael burst through the doors and stabbed her straight in the heart. No remorse. I watched the light I'd found so vulnerable drift from her eyes as she squeezed her breaths out and clutched at her chest.

I had been too busy flipping through the memory to realise I'd been foolish enough to allow a tear to flow from my eye. No one was around, so I suppose it was alright. He took her from me, so I would get my revenge. Eventually. I knew I needed to grieve. I was broken, and my pieces needed to fix together again. It would be hard, and even fixed, the paper would still be crumpled. I would never love, or trust again.

"Please! Get me an ambulance right now! I need one now!" I screamed down the phone as I compressed the bedding as hard as I could on her without braking her ribs. I didn't want to admit she was already dead. I knew that if I would've opened my veins and fed her my blood, she wouldn't have woken up. I didn't want to even hope for a second, if it was false. I held on for dear life as the paramedics rushed Caroline onto the vehicle. I just held her hand. I closed her eyes and squeezed mine as not to fall apart.

I sunk into my seat and pushed my hands to my eyes as I let lose. It was just me alone in my dark mansion. The only light, the fire. I'd stuffed my family into boxes in an angry rage and Carolines friends didn't dare send me their sympathy. The tears kept flowing, my face wet. I'd never known that so much water could come from your face. Where does it come from? Why is it made? For events like this? I sighed.

I opened my IPhone. Such an odd devise. I remembered when nothing of the sort even sprung to human mind, thank god it did in the time I met Caroline. Such beauty, such memory had to be stored in photos. They weren't even black and white, no. They were colour. They were HD. I scrolled across one of us together. Her smile. So genuine; she loved me. She loved me for the monster I was. And now, I was entirely alone.

I stood and walked towards the memorial I had created for her a few blocks away from my home. I wanted to share it with her. There were even times I wanted to be human, to hear the pitter patter of tiny feet running along the corridor. A dad, I could be. I shook the thought out of my mind as I finally came to a halt. There she was again, that smile, her grace. I knelt on the ground and caressed the burning candles and flowers surrounding the framed picture.

For my beautiful daughter.

One of the tags read.

For my best friend- Love, Elena.

Said another.

I had realised I had not yet added anything of my own. Then I remembered I had something in favour of her in my pocket. A tiny necklace locket with two stupid photos on each side. She had given it to me as a gift on my birthday, even though I did not age. One of the photos, I smiled at, her pulling a face at the other end as if she were looking toward me. The other photo also pulling a face. I closed the locket and wrapped it around the frame. I fought back my tears again.

I whispered, Caroline Forbes. I will love you forever. You will never ever be forgotten. Forgive me for the spree I am about to familiarise myself with. Please.

And then, I turned it off. My humanity. Not an inch of emotion flew through my veins as I stood up and headed for my home town New Orleans. I wanted fight, I wanted blood. I wanted to be king and Mystic Falls was no longer the place I wanted to be. Goodbye, Caroline my love, always, Klaus.

OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora