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I sighed and pulled the covers up a little more as I felt the cold winter air brush over my body. It was midnight and I still couldn't get to sleep. My bed was right next to the window. On a summer, I would wake, blinded by the stroke of the sun. On a winter, waking up to a dark sky was not a nice feeling. It felt as if it was still time to sleep, more hours to spend curled up in bed, in the warm patch your body heat had created for you through out the night. But then you'd hear birds whistling, even at the crack of dawn.

I tossed and turned and still no position was comfortable. My eyes wouldn't stay shut and my mind was racing with thoughts. The blood moon was near.

I sat up and huffed. My fingers glided my black drawn curtains and pulled them back the slightest so I could look out to the sky. A red mis shot across the lining of the sky, where the sky meets the grounds. It looked horrifying, like a painted picture was set in front of you.

Not only was the cold winter and the blood moon fearsome. But this was the time and age where the supernatural would appear.

It was 1570. Every village knows that once in a blood moon, the Mikaelson's would come out of hiding and take our people. It was only the one they feared to the bone. Niklaus Mikaelson.

I couldn't sleep, I had no chance at this rate. I got up and decided to take a walk, it wasn't the best idea but it was only around the garden.

I grabbed my warmest sheep skinned coat and shivered as the outside air caressed my skin. It was like death itself had come to visit the earth on this very morning. All was well, until I heard whispering from the blacksmiths. I shouldn't of, but I pondered towards his home.

I opened the door after a whispered a short hello, but no answer. I knew I shouldn't of even set foot outside my house, let alone wonder this far on my own. I stood frozen in fear as evil stood before me. A man, but not a man feasting on the neck of the blacksmith. He saw me and lifted his head, mouth and chin covered in fresh blood. I covered my mouth as if to be sick but nothing would arise.

"Hello, love." The ghost of the night spoke.

I was lucky to even still be standing. Why wouldn't my feet move?

He walked towards me slowly and cautiously after dropping the lifeless body to the ground. I watched him wipe the blood from his mouth and smirk as he stood before me.

"What's your name?" He asked, he seemed calm but I was too afraid to do anything.

"Caroline Forbes. Are you going to kill me too?"

The man laughed. He smiled at me and shook his head.

"I'll make you my humble servant. You'll come with me before the crack of dawn."


"No buts or I shall make a meal of your family."

He was cruel, but I wasn't sure why he didn't kill me.


The next day, I awoke in a different place. I must've passed out. I clutched my head as I realised I had a headache.

"You're awake then." The man said.

I cleared my throat.

"To whom am I addressing myself to. Elijah. Kol. Finn or Klaus."

At the last night I choked a little, I couldn't help it after all the rumours I'd heard about this demon.

He looked at me. His eyes were blue like the seven seas, and his hair was curly and brown. I took a liking to his appearance but nothing more. My thoughts struck back to the previous night where I'd seen this beautiful man kill someone I'd known for a very long time.

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